ACTED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ACTED?

Need another word that means the same as “acted”? Find 30 related words for “acted” in this overview.

Associations of "Acted" (30 Words)

assignedAppointed to a post or duty.
Assigned personnel.
attitudeA position of the body indicating a particular mental state.
The actor struck just the right attitude.
behaveBehave in a certain manner show a certain behavior conduct or comport oneself.
Each car behaves differently.
behavioralOf or relating to behavior.
Behavioral sciences.
behaviourThe way in which an animal or person behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus.
Behaviour patterns.
comportBehave well or properly.
Articulate students who comported themselves well in interviews.
conductTransmit a form of energy such as heat or electricity by conduction.
Surveys conducted among students.
conscious(followed by `of’) showing realization or recognition of something.
A conscious effort to walk properly.
deedConvey or transfer property or rights by legal deed.
Mortgage deeds.
demeanor(behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people.
dissembleConceal or disguise one’s true feelings or beliefs.
An honest sincere person with no need to dissemble.
doGet something done.
Joe was doing sums aloud.
equippedProvided or fitted out with what is necessary or useful or appropriate.
Equipped for service in the Arctic.
ethologyThe branch of zoology that studies the behavior of animals in their natural habitats.
inclinedLeaning or turning away from the vertical or horizontal; sloping.
An inclined ramp.
inconsiderateLacking regard for the rights or feelings of others.
Slovenly inconsiderate reasoning.
moralisticNarrowly and conventionally moral.
A moralistic stance on advertising.
participationThe condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.
Participation in chapel activities.
preparedEquipped or prepared with necessary intellectual resources.
Prepared to take risks.
pretendRepresent fictitiously as in a play or pretend to be or act like.
The children poured out pretend tea for the dolls.
pretensionA claim or aspiration to a particular quality.
His pretensions to the imperial inheritance.
prosecuteInstitute legal proceedings in respect of (a claim or offence.
They were prosecuted for obstructing the highway.
reluctantlyIn an unwilling and hesitant way.
He reluctantly agrees to do his duty.
smatterSpeak with spotty or superficial knowledge.
She smatters Russian.
standbyThe state of waiting to secure an unreserved place for a journey or performance, allocated on the basis of earliest availability.
Standbys are allowed to board when all the passengers with confirmed reservations are seated.
unforcedNot compelled or constrained.
An unforced cheerfulness.
volitionalRelating to the use of one’s will.
A volitional act.
voluntaryA person who freely enlists for service.
Voluntary manslaughter.
willfulDone by design.
Willful disobedience.
willingNot brought about by coercion or force.
Willing and prompt obedience.

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