ADDICTING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ADDICTING?

Need another word that means the same as “addicting”? Find 30 related words for “addicting” in this overview.

Associations of "Addicting" (30 Words)

addictionA formal award by a magistrate of a thing or person to another person (as the award of a debtor to his creditor); a surrender to a master.
Under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery.
addictiveRelating to or susceptible to being or becoming addicted to something.
A highly addictive drug.
adherentSomeone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas.
Any adherent sand grains are easily removed.
alcoholDrink containing alcohol.
Polyvinyl alcohol.
alcoholicA person suffering from alcoholism.
His alcoholic daughter was the cause of his anxiety.
ashStrong elastic wood of any of various ash trees used for furniture and tool handles and sporting goods such as baseball bats.
I turned over the ashes.
bingeA period of excessive indulgence in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs.
Every so often he might binge a Netflix show.
cigaretteAn object similar to a cigarette containing a narcotic or herbal substance.
compulsiveA person with a compulsive disposition someone who feels compelled to do certain things.
A compulsive liar.
devoteeA strong believer in a particular religion or god.
Devotees of Krishna.
dopeCarbonated drink flavored with extract from kola nuts dope is a southernism in the United States.
The resistors have been doped.
drinkerA large brownish European moth, the caterpillar of which bears irritant hairs and is noted for drinking dew.
Coffee drinkers.
freakBehave or cause to behave in a wild and irrational way, typically because of the effects of extreme emotion or drugs.
He used to be called a freak at school and knows how much it hurts.
inebriateDrunk; intoxicated.
Those who feel inclined are free to inebriate themselves.
intoxicantA liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent.
Intoxicants and drugs are used by some to escape physical or psychological pain.
intoxicatePoison (someone).
We don t allow people into sessions if they are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
nutGather nuts.
A car nut.
overindulgeGratify the wishes of (someone) to an excessive extent.
His mother had overindulged him.
overuseUse (something) too much.
The word hero is overused these days.
peddlerSomeone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals.
Peddlers of dangerous Utopianism.
rehabilitateReturn (something, especially a building or environmental feature) to its former condition.
The campaign aims to rehabilitate the river s flood plain.
revelEnjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing.
Bill said he was secretly revelling in his new found fame.
smokerA person who smokes tobacco.
When the fish is ready put it in the warm smoker.
smokingThe act of smoking tobacco or other substances.
The effect of smoking on health.
sobrietyA manner that is serious and solemn.
She speaks with such sobriety it s clear she speaks the truth.
stimulantA substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.
A scalp stimulant.
tippleDrink moderately but regularly.
She drank several glasses of sherry her favourite tipple.
tobaccoThe plant of the nightshade family which yields tobacco native to tropical America It is widely cultivated in warm regions especially in the US and China.

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