Need another word that means the same as “agonizing”? Find 18 synonyms and 30 related words for “agonizing” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Agonizing” are: agonising, excruciating, harrowing, torturesome, torturing, torturous, racking, painful, acute, severe, intense, extreme, grievous, hellish, killing, searing, tormenting, piercing
Agonizing as an Adjective
Definitions of "Agonizing" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “agonizing” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Extremely painful.
- Causing great physical or mental pain.

Synonyms of "Agonizing" as an adjective (18 Words)
acute | Denoting or designed for patients with an acute form of a disease. An acute sense of smell. |
agonising | Extremely painful. |
excruciating | Very embarrassing, awkward, or tedious. He explained the procedure in excruciating detail. |
extreme | Most distant in any direction. The extreme north west of Scotland. |
grievous | Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm. Grievous bodily harm. |
harrowing | Acutely distressing. A harrowing film about racism and violence. |
hellish | Of or like hell. Hellish weather. |
intense | Extremely sharp or intense. Intense anxiety. |
killing | Causing death. A killing schedule. |
painful | Causing physical discomfort. Her ankle was very painful. |
piercing | (of a sound) extremely high or loud. A tall blonde with piercing eyes. |
racking | Causing great physical or mental suffering. |
searing | Extremely hot or intense. A searing pain. |
severe | Severely simple. A severe shortage of technicians. |
tormenting | Inflicting severe physical or mental suffering. Peace from his tormenting thoughts. |
torturesome | Extremely painful. |
torturing | Extremely painful. |
torturous | Characterized by, involving, or causing pain or suffering. A torturous five days of fitness training. |

Usage Examples of "Agonizing" as an adjective
- An agonizing death.
- There is an agonizing choice to make.

Associations of "Agonizing" (30 Words)
aching | Arousing, experiencing, or expressive of intense sorrow or longing. I write this letter with tears in my eyes and an aching heart. |
biting | (of wind or cold) so cold as to be painful. A biting aphorism. |
bitter | Beer that is strongly flavoured with hops and has a bitter taste brewed by top fermentation. A bitter struggle. |
callus | Cause a callus to form on. The long march had callused his feet. |
cultivator | A farm implement used to break up the surface of the soil (for aeration and weed control and conservation of moisture. Rotary cultivators are ideal in the kitchen garden. |
disastrous | Highly unsuccessful. A disastrous fire swept through the museum. |
distressing | Causing anxiety, sorrow or pain; upsetting. Distressing or disturbing news. |
doleful | Causing grief or misfortune. A doleful look. |
dolorous | Feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress. A dolorous and repetitive tale of atrocity. |
excruciating | Extremely painful. Excruciating back pain. |
frustrating | Discouraging by hindering. It can be very frustrating to find that the size you want isn t there. |
grievous | Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm. A grievous loss. |
harrowing | Extremely painful. It was a harrowing experience. |
horrible | Very unpleasant. War is beyond all words horrible. |
irksome | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. An irksome journey. |
lamentable | (of circumstances or conditions) very bad; deplorable. A lamentable decision. |
mournful | Feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief. Mournful music. |
painful | Causing distress or trouble. A painful experience. |
plaintive | Sounding sad and mournful. A plaintive cry. |
poignant | Keenly distressing to the mind or feelings. A poignant reminder of the passing of time. |
sad | Of things that make you feel sad Christina Rossetti. Feeling sad because his dog had died. |
sore | (of a part of one’s body) painful or aching. We re in sore need of him. |
sorrowful | Feeling or showing grief. She looked at him with sorrowful eyes. |
stressful | Extremely irritating to the nerves. Corporate finance work can be stressful. |
swollen | Characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance. So swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty. |
tine | Prong on a fork or pitchfork or antler. |
torturous | Extremely painful. A torturous five days of fitness training. |
tragic | Very sad; especially involving grief or death or destruction. The shooting was a tragic accident. |
traumatic | Psychologically painful. She was going through a traumatic divorce. |
trying | Extremely irritating to the nerves. Fell upon trying times. |