AIDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AIDED?

Need another word that means the same as “aided”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “aided” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Aided” are: assisted

Aided as an Adjective

Definitions of "Aided" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “aided” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Having help; often used as a combining form.

Synonyms of "Aided" as an adjective (1 Word)

assistedHaving help; often used as a combining form.

Associations of "Aided" (30 Words)

adversityA state of misfortune or affliction.
Resilience in the face of adversity.
alms(in historical contexts) money or food given to poor people.
The riders stopped to distribute alms.
altruisticShowing unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
I question how altruistic his motives were.
assistanceGift of money or other material help to support a person or cause.
Could not walk without assistance.
backingA layer of material that forms, protects, or strengthens the back of something.
The trio provided backing.
benefactorA person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help.
A low interest loan from a benefactor allowed them to build a floor for the exhibition hall.
beneficExerting a favorable or beneficent influence.
A benefic star.
beneficentGenerous in assistance to the poor.
The most beneficent regime in history.
benevolentShowing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity.
A benevolent smile.
charitableShowing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity.
Those who were less charitable called for his resignation.
charityAn organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.
The care of the poor must not be left to private charity.
contributeContribute to some cause.
He contributed to a private pension.
donationA voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause.
The donation of carpets chairs and cutlery.
doneeThe recipient of funds or other benefits.
donorPerson who makes a gift of property.
An anonymous donor has given 25.
eleemosynaryRelating to or dependent on charity; charitable.
Eleemosynary relief.
endowmentA form of life insurance involving payment of a fixed sum to the insured person on a specified date, or to their estate should they die before this date.
He tried to promote the endowment of a Chair of Psychiatry.
fundraiserA social function that is held for the purpose of raising money.
A fundraiser for the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society.
generousNot petty in character and mind.
A generous assessment of his work.
giverA person who gives something.
A giver of advice.
humaneHaving or showing compassion or benevolence.
Regulations ensuring the humane treatment of animals.
humanitarianOf or relating to or characteristic of humanitarianism.
Human rights groups have warned of a worsening humanitarian crisis.
kindlyIn a kind manner.
He was a quiet kindly man.
patronage(politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support.
A twang of self satisfaction even patronage about him.
philanthropicOf or relating to or characterized by philanthropy.
They receive financial support from philanthropic bodies.
philanthropistSomeone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being.
The trust was founded by an American philanthropist.
philanthropyVoluntary promotion of human welfare.
A philanthropy was incorporated to help oldsters obtain benefits like pension rights.
selflessConcerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own; unselfish.
An act of selfless devotion.
sponsorAssume sponsorship of.
NBC found a sponsor willing to put the election up on prime time.
supporterSomeone who supports or champions something.
All their supporters came out for the game.

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