Need another word that means the same as “ambush”? Find 23 synonyms and 30 related words for “ambush” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Ambush” are: ambuscade, lying in wait, trap, surprise attack, snare, pitfall, lure, still-hunt, bushwhack, lie in wait, lurk, scupper, waylay, attack by surprise, surprise, pounce on, lay a trap for, set an ambush for, lie in wait for, entrap, ensnare
Ambush as a Noun
Definitions of "Ambush" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ambush” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise.
- A surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position.

Synonyms of "Ambush" as a noun (7 Words)
ambuscade | The act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise. Our sensibilities are being battered with reports of killings and ambuscades. |
lure | Something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed. The lure of the exotic East. |
lying in wait | A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth. |
pitfall | An unforeseen or unexpected or surprising difficulty. The pitfalls of buying goods at public auctions. |
snare | A small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head. It was all a snare and delusion. |
surprise attack | The astonishment you feel when something totally unexpected happens to you. |
trap | A device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshooters. By keeping quiet I was walking into a trap. |

Usage Examples of "Ambush" as a noun
- Seven members of a patrol were killed in an ambush.
- Kidnappers waiting in ambush.

Ambush as a Verb
Definitions of "Ambush" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ambush” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position.
- Wait in hiding to attack.
- Hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing.
- Confront (someone) suddenly and unexpectedly with unwelcome questions.

Synonyms of "Ambush" as a verb (16 Words)
ambuscade | Wait in hiding to attack. French and his companions were ambuscaded by the Indians. |
attack by surprise | Begin to injure. |
bushwhack | Engage in guerrilla warfare. The loyal men of the neighbourhood bushwhacked and made the place too hot for them. |
ensnare | Catch in or as if in a trap. They were ensnared in city centre traffic. |
entrap | Catch in or as if in a trap. He argued that his client had been entrapped by an undercover police officer. |
lay a trap for | Impose as a duty, burden, or punishment. |
lie in wait | Tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive. |
lie in wait for | Have a place in relation to something else. |
lurk | Lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner. A ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness. |
pounce on | Move down on as if in an attack. |
scupper | Wait in hiding to attack. |
set an ambush for | Put into a certain place or abstract location. |
still-hunt | Hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing. |
surprise | Cause to be surprised. He surprised a gang stealing scrap metal. |
trap | Catch an animal in a trap. The gaps between the teeth trap food particles. |
waylay | Stop or interrupt (someone) and detain them in conversation or trouble them in some other way. He waylaid me on the stairs. |

Usage Examples of "Ambush" as a verb
- They were ambushed and taken prisoner by the enemy.
- Tory representatives were ambushed by camera crews.

Associations of "Ambush" (30 Words)
backlash | A movement back from an impact. Typical gearbox backlash in these systems is 2. |
bait | Lure entice or entrap with bait. Fishing with live baits. |
bounce | Hit something so that it bounces. Every bounce of the truck brought them into fresh contact. |
ensnare | Take or catch as if in a snare or trap. They were ensnared in city centre traffic. |
entrap | Take or catch as if in a snare or trap. Discarded fishing lines can entrap wildlife. |
hide | Cover as if with a shroud. Companies with poor security can hide behind the law. |
hop | A hopping movement. Over the years he hopped from one department to another. |
lariat | A rope used as a lasso or for tethering. |
lasso | Catch an animal with a lasso. At last his father lassoed the horse. |
leap | Move forward by leaps and bounds. Polly leapt to her feet. |
loiter | Stand or wait around without apparent purpose. She saw Mary loitering near the cloakrooms. |
lurk | Be about. A ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness. |
pitfall | A trap in the form of a concealed hole. The pitfalls of buying goods at public auctions. |
poacher | A cooking vessel designed to poach food (such as fish or eggs. An egg poacher. |
pounce | A sudden swoop or spring. As he watched a mink pounced on the vole. |
raid | Conduct a raid on. Officers raided thirty homes yesterday. |
rebound | The act of securing possession of the rebounding basketball after a missed shot. Rebound hypertension. |
recoil | The action of recoiling. Ronni felt herself recoil at the very thought. |
resurface | (of a person) come out of hiding or obscurity. He resurfaced under a false identity in Australia. |
robber | A person who commits robbery. |
skip | Cause to skip over a surface. Skip town. |
skulk | Avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill. The lonely man skulks down the main street all day. |
slide | A transparency mounted in a frame viewed with a slide projector. A slide show. |
snare | A drum fitted with snares a side drum. It was all a snare and delusion. |
sneak | Someone who prowls or sneaks about usually with unlawful intentions. She sneaked on us. |
swoop | Move with a sweep or in a swooping arc. The teacher swooped down upon the new students. |
trammel | A beam compass. We will forge our own future free from the trammels of materialism. |
trap | Catch an animal in a trap. The ball bounced near Scott and he trapped it with his left foot. |
unwilling | Not ready, eager, or prepared to do something. An unwilling assistant. |
waylay | Wait in hiding to attack. He waylaid me on the stairs. |