Lark Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LARK

The past tense of lark is larked. See all forms of lark with easy examples.

3 years ago

Largen Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LARGEN

The past tense of largen is largened. See all forms of largen with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lapse Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LAPSE

The past tense of lapse is lapsed. See all forms of lapse with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lare Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LARE

The past tense of lare is lared. See all forms of lare with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lap Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LAP

The past tense of lap is lapped. See all forms of lap with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lapidify Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LAPIDIFY

The past tense of lapidify is lapidified. See all forms of lapidify with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lappet Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LAPPET

The past tense of lappet is lappeted. See all forms of lappet with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lapper Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LAPPER

The past tense of lapper is lappered. See all forms of lapper with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lapidate Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LAPIDATE

The past tense of lapidate is lapidated. See all forms of lapidate with easy examples.

3 years ago

Lank Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate LANK

The past tense of lank is lanked. See all forms of lank with easy examples.

3 years ago