Abroach Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABROACH

The past tense of abroach is abroached. See all forms of abroach with easy examples.

3 years ago

Abridge Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABRIDGE

The past tense of abridge is abridged. See all forms of abridge with easy examples.

3 years ago

Abrenounce Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABRENOUNCE

The past tense of abrenounce is abrenounced. See all forms of abrenounce with easy examples.

3 years ago

Abreact Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABREACT

The past tense of abreact is abreacted. See all forms of abreact with easy examples.

3 years ago

Abray Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABRAY

The past tense of abray is abrayed. See all forms of abray with easy examples.

3 years ago

Abrase Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABRASE

The past tense of abrase is abrased. See all forms of abrase with easy examples.

3 years ago

Abraid Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABRAID

The past tense of abraid is abraided or abraid. See all forms of abraid with easy examples.

3 years ago

Abrade Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABRADE

The past tense of abrade is abraded. See all forms of abrade with easy examples.

3 years ago

About-turn Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABOUT-TURN

The past tense of about-turn is about-turned. See all forms of about-turn with easy examples.

3 years ago

About-face Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate ABOUT-FACE

The past tense of about-face is about-faced. See all forms of about-face with easy examples.

3 years ago