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ANARCHY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ANARCHY?

Need another word that means the same as “anarchy”? Find 17 synonyms and 30 related words for “anarchy” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Anarchy” are: lawlessness, absence of government, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, riot, rebellion, mutiny, disorder, disorganization, misrule, chaos, tumult, turmoil, mayhem, pandemonium

Anarchy as a Noun

Definitions of "Anarchy" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “anarchy” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government.
  • The organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.
  • A state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.

Synonyms of "Anarchy" as a noun (17 Words)

absence of governmentThe time interval during which something or somebody is away.
chaos(physics) a dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditions.
Snow caused chaos in the region.
disorderA state of confusion.
An improved understanding of mental disorder.
disorganizationInability to plan one’s activities or affairs efficiently.
The disorganization of the enemy troops by a flank attack.
insurrectionA violent uprising against an authority or government.
The insurrection was savagely put down.
lawlessnessA state of lawlessness and disorder usually resulting from a failure of government.
The country s descent into lawlessness.
mayhemThe crime of maliciously injuring or maiming someone, originally so as to render them defenceless.
Complete mayhem broke out.
misruleGovernment that is inefficient or dishonest.
A country that is recovering from decades of misrule.
mobocracyRule or domination by the masses.
The court will never permit mobocracy to overwhelm the law of the land.
mutinyOpen rebellion against constituted authority (especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers.
The crew were on the verge of mutiny.
nihilismThe belief that nothing in the world has a real existence.
pandemoniumWild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.
There was complete pandemonium everyone just panicked.
rebellionOrganized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
His body was in rebellion against fatigue.
revolutionA dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation.
The country has had a socialist revolution.
riotAn impressively large or varied display of something.
Everyone thought she was a riot.
tumultA state of commotion and noise and confusion.
A tumult of shouting and screaming broke out.
turmoilA violent disturbance.
The country was in turmoil.

Usage Examples of "Anarchy" as a noun

  • He must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy.

Associations of "Anarchy" (30 Words)

anarchistRelating to or supporting anarchism or anarchy.
An anarchist newspaper.
capitalistOf or relating to capitalism or capitalists.
The global economy is essentially capitalist.
chaosA dynamical system that is extremely sensitive to its initial conditions.
Snow caused chaos in the region.
chaoticIn a state of complete confusion and disorder.
The political situation was chaotic.
clutterFill a space in a disorderly way.
The room was in a clutter of smelly untidiness.
communistA member of the communist party.
Communistic propaganda.
competitiveInvolving competition or competitiveness.
We offer prompt service at competitive rates.
confusedMentally confused unable to think with clarity or act intelligently.
A confused set of instructions.
crazy(of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or unlikely.
Keep that crazy away from me.
decentralizeMove departments of (a large organization) away from a single administrative centre to other locations.
He argues that giant corporations must decentralize.
disheveledIn disarray; extremely disorderly.
Her clothing was disheveled.
disorderlyIn utter disorder.
A disorderly pile of clothes.
disorganizedUnable to plan one’s activities efficiently.
A disorganized enterprise.
eddyA circular movement of wind, fog, or smoke.
An eddy of chill air swirled into the carriage.
jumbleArticles collected for a jumble sale.
His words jumbled.
liberalHaving political or social views favoring reform and progress.
Are we dealing with a polarization between liberals and conservatives.
libertarianAn advocate of libertarianism.
No true libertarian would ever support a culture where citizens must show their papers to travel.
maelstromA situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil.
The train station was a maelstrom of crowds.
messHave one s meals with a particular person especially as a member of an armed forces mess.
She scratched her head messing her hair still further.
messyDirty and disorderly.
A messy divorce.
nihilistAn advocate of anarchism.
It is impossible to argue against a nihilist.
noneA service in the Roman Catholic Church formerly read or chanted at 3 PM (the ninth hour counting from sunrise) but now somewhat earlier.
Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
pessimistA person who tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
He finds solace in the writings of pessimist philosophers.
purlKnit with a purl stitch.
Knit one purl one.
rumpleBecome wrinkled or crumpled or creased.
She left her clothes in a rumple on the floor.
slovenA person who is habitually untidy or careless.
socialistAdvocating or following the socialist principles.
She was a lifelong socialist.
utopiaA work of fiction describing a utopia.
Misplaced faith in political utopias has led to ruin.
vortexThe shape of something rotating rapidly.
A swirling vortex of emotions.
whirlpoolA quickly rotating mass of water in a river or sea into which objects may be drawn, typically caused by the meeting of conflicting currents.
He was drawing her down into an emotional whirlpool.

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