ANGERING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ANGERING?

Need another word that means the same as “angering”? Find 30 related words for “angering” in this overview.

Associations of "Angering" (30 Words)

aggravateExasperate or irritate.
This drug aggravates the pain.
The president has been emboldened by the success of his latest aggressions.
annoyCause annoyance in disturb especially by minor irritations.
A gallant Saxon who annoyed this Coast.
antagonismAn actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility.
The antagonism between them.
disaffectionDisloyalty to the government or to established authority.
The widespread disaffection of the troops.
enrageMake (someone) very angry.
The students were enraged at these new rules.
exacerbateMake (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
The exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem.
exasperateExasperate or irritate.
This futile process exasperates prison officers.
fractiousStubbornly resistant to authority or control.
They fight and squabble like fractious children.
fretProvide a musical instrument with frets.
Why would anyone get themselves in a fret over something so simple.
incenseThe smoke or perfume of incense.
The aroma of cannabis incensed the air.
inconvenientNot suited to your comfort, purpose or needs.
It is inconvenient not to have a telephone in the kitchen.
indignationA feeling of righteous anger.
The letter filled Lucy with indignation.
inflameBecome inflamed get sore.
Comments that inflame what is already a sensitive situation.
infuriateMake furious.
I was infuriated by your article.
irritateMake (someone) annoyed or a little angry.
Irritate the glands of a leaf.
irritationThe state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or slightly angry.
Any food produced irritation of the stomach.
maddenDrive up the wall; go on someone’s nerves.
She was almost maddened by grief at his loss.
miffA petty quarrel or fit of pique.
Like ladies in a miff who won t explain.
offendStrike with disgust or revulsion.
17 per cent of viewers said they had been offended by bad language.
outrageAn action or event causing outrage.
Their behaviour outraged all civilized standards.
peevishEasily irritated or annoyed.
A thin peevish voice.
petulant(of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
A petulant shake of the head.
piqueA feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one’s pride.
Men who are thought to pique themselves upon their Wit.
rage(of an illness or fire) spread very rapidly or uncontrollably.
Office rage is on the increase.
resentmentBitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
His resentment at being demoted.
saddenCause to feel sorrow; make unhappy.
The news of her death saddened me.
testyEasily irritated; impatient and somewhat bad-tempered.
His testy disapproving father.
touchyQuick to take offense.
The monarchy has become a touchy topic.
worsenMake worse.
Her condition worsened on the flight.

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