ANTENNA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ANTENNA?

Need another word that means the same as “antenna”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “antenna” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Antenna” are: feeler, aerial, tentacle, horn

Antenna as a Noun

Definitions of "Antenna" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “antenna” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A rod, wire, or other device used to transmit or receive radio or television signals; an aerial.
  • The faculty of instinctively detecting and interpreting subtle signs.
  • One of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans; typically sensitive to touch and taste.
  • Sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ.
  • Either of a pair of long, thin sensory appendages on the heads of insects, crustaceans, and some other arthropods.
  • An electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals.

Synonyms of "Antenna" as a noun (4 Words)

aerialA pass to a receiver downfield from the passer.
feelerA tentative proposal intended to ascertain someone’s attitude or opinion.
He has already put out feelers to local employers.
hornThe material mostly keratin that covers the horns of ungulates and forms hooves and claws and nails.
Powdered rhino horn.
tentacleSomething that acts like a tentacle in its ability to grasp and hold.
Caught in the tentacles of organized crime.

Usage Examples of "Antenna" as a noun

  • Bugs use their antennae to detect blood heat.
  • He has the political antennae of a party whip.
  • A TV antenna.
  • He had a special antenna for public relations.

Associations of "Antenna" (30 Words)

acutelyChanging suddenly in direction and degree.
The whole situation was acutely embarrassing.
aerialCharacterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air- Thomas Carlyle.
Aerial cable cars.
barbA cluster of spikes on barbed wire.
His barb hurt more than she cared to admit.
broadcastBroadcast over the airwaves as in radio or television.
We don t want to broadcast our unhappiness to the world.
broadcasterA mechanical device for scattering something (seed or fertilizer or sand etc.) in all directions.
He became a successful broadcaster both on television and the wireless.
broadcastingThe transmission of programmes or information by radio or television.
The state monopoly on broadcasting.
cableProvide an area with power lines or with the equipment necessary for cable television.
Nearly all urban areas are cabled so viewers can choose from up to 20 channels.
cameraA device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals.
A photographer s camera flashed.
cameramanA photographer who operates a movie camera.
clipAn article of jewelry that can be clipped onto a hat or dress.
He could do ten at a clip.
clockA mechanical or electrical device for measuring time, indicating hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds by hands on a round dial or by displayed figures.
Beware of motorists who clock their car before selling it.
commentaryAn expression of opinions or offering of explanations about an event or situation.
A commentary on the Old Testament.
dramaA dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage.
A hostage drama.
etherealOf heaven or the spirit.
This smallest and most ethereal of birds.
gaffSeize or impale with a gaff.
The whales are gaffed speared or knifed to death.
mastA tall upright post on land, especially a flagpole or a television or radio transmitter.
newscasterSomeone who broadcasts the news.
radioIndicating radiation or radioactivity.
He switched the radio on.
satelliteSatellite television.
A communications satellite.
Leaves with serrate margins.
serratedHaving or denoting a jagged edge; sawlike.
A knife with a serrated edge.
sharplyWith a sudden, piercing physical sensation or effect; intensely.
A sharply observed account.
telecastA television broadcast.
The programme will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities.
telegraphSend a message by telegraph.
I must go and telegraph Mama.
televisionA device with a screen for receiving television signals.
A television camera.
tripodThe bronze altar at Delphi on which a priestess sat to utter oracles.
tvBroadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects.
The British call a tv set a telly.
unsubstantialHaving little or no solidity, reality, or factual basis.
A pretty if unsubstantial cubist composition.
vcrA magnetic tape recorder for recording (and playing back) TV programs.
wireFasten with wire.
They wired his jaw.

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