APPLAUDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for APPLAUDED?

Need another word that means the same as “applauded”? Find 30 related words for “applauded” in this overview.

Associations of "Applauded" (30 Words)

acclaimClap one’s hands or shout after performances to indicate approval.
The conference was acclaimed as a considerable success.
acclamationEnthusiastic approval.
The tackle brought the supporters to their feet in acclamation.
admireFeel admiration for.
I admire your courage.
applauseA demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together.
They gave him a round of applause.
bravoA cry of bravo.
Bravos rang out.
clapClap one s hands together.
When the clapping had died down he stood up to make a speech.
clappingA demonstration of approval by clapping the hands together.
commendPresent as suitable for approval or acceptance recommend.
Most one roomed flats have little to commend them.
commendableWorthy of high praise.
He showed commendable restraint.
complimentFormal greetings, especially when sent as a message.
She paid me an enormous compliment.
congratulatePride or congratulate oneself for an achievement.
He had taken the chance to congratulate him on his marriage.
creditable(of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful.
The student s effort on the essay though not outstanding was creditable.
eclatCeremonial elegance and splendor.
Entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses.
encomiumA formal expression of praise.
enthusiasticallyIn a lavish or enthusiastic manner.
The audience applauded enthusiastically.
eulogizePraise highly in speech or writing.
A plaque that eulogizes the workers.
eulogyA formal expression of praise for someone who has died recently.
A eulogy to the Queen Mother.
extolPraise enthusiastically.
Extol the virtues of one s children.
flatterGive an unrealistically favourable impression of.
She felt flattered that he was confiding in her.
kudosCompliments or congratulations.
She was looking for kudos rather than profit.
The obituary lauded him as a great statesman and soldier.
laudableWorthy of high praise.
Laudable though the aim might be the results have been criticized.
ovationA sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause.
The performance received a thundering ovation.
panegyricA public speech or published text in praise of someone or something.
A panegyric on the pleasures of malt whisky.
plauditEnthusiastic approval.
The plaudits for the winner died down.
praiseThe expression of approval or admiration for someone or something.
They sang a hymn of praise to God.
praiseworthyDeserving approval and admiration.
The government s praiseworthy efforts.
praisingFull of or giving praise.
thunderousVery loud.
World events of thunderous import.
uproariousCharacterized by or provoking loud noise or uproar.
An uproarious party.

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