Need another word that means the same as “articulating”? Find 30 related words for “articulating” in this overview.
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Associations of "Articulating" (30 Words)
aloud | Loudly. Cried aloud for help. |
dah | The longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code. |
declamatory | Ostentatiously lofty in style. A long declamatory speech. |
elocution | An expert manner of speaking involving control of voice and gesture. Lessons in singing and elocution. |
eloquence | Fluent or persuasive speaking or writing. A preacher of great power and eloquence. |
eloquent | Expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively. The bus journey alone is eloquent of class inequality. |
eloquently | In an articulate manner. He expressed his ideas eloquently. |
enunciate | Express or state clearly. She enunciated each word slowly. |
eulogy | A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, especially a tribute to someone who has just died. A eulogy to the Queen Mother. |
express | Serve as a means for expressing something. Many of the laboratory animals express the trait. |
flowing | (of a line or contour) smoothly continuous. A flowing prose style. |
fluent | Able to express oneself easily and articulately. He spoke fluent Spanish. |
formulate | Elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses. Use special effects paints that are formulated for the task. |
memorize | Commit to memory; learn by heart. He memorized thousands of verses. |
monologue | A long utterance by one person (especially one that prevents others from participating in the conversation. He was reciting some of the great monologues of Shakespeare. |
oration | The style or manner in which an oration is given. Pericles famous funeral oration. |
orator | An official speaking for a university on ceremonial occasions. A theatrically effective orator. |
oratory | Addressing an audience formally (usually a long and rhetorical address and often pompous. He loved the sound of his own oratory. |
persuasive | Good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. A persuasive argument. |
pronounce | Speak pronounce or utter in a certain way. Allow history to pronounce the verdict. |
recitation | Systematic training by multiple repetitions. The recitation of traditional poems. |
recite | Recite in elocution. He recited passages of Dante. |
rhetorician | A person who delivers a speech or oration. They re ready to listen to any smooth tongued rhetorician. |
sing | Deliver by singing. My brother sings very well. |
speaker | The presiding officer in a legislative assembly, especially the House of Commons. The speaker at commencement. |
talker | A person who speaks or converses, often in a specified way. She s quite a talker conversing and arguing with Henry. |
tell | Perceive (the difference between one person or thing and another. He could tell that she was unhappy. |
utter | Express audibly utter sounds not necessarily words. He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand. |
verbalize | Convert into a verb. They are unable to verbalize their real feelings. |
vocalize | Utter with vibrating vocal chords. The child vocalizes a number of distinct sounds. |