AS PER USUAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AS PER USUAL?

Need another word that means the same as “as per usual”? Find 30 related words for “as per usual” in this overview.

Associations of "As per usual" (30 Words)

accustomedCommonly used or practiced; usual.
His accustomed route.
alikeUsed to show that something applies equally to a number of specified subjects.
They looked utterly alike.
blandLacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting.
A bland and unadventurous vegetarian dish.
boreA person who evokes boredom.
Bore a hole in the wall to pass the cable through.
commonCommon to or shared by two or more parties.
The swordfish is not common in European waters.
consistentlyIn a fair and impartial way.
The vehicle consistently outperforms some of the best competitors.
customaryAccording to a person’s habitual practice.
I put the kettle on for our customary cup of coffee.
equallyIn addition and having the same importance (used to introduce a further comment.
All children should be treated equally.
equivalentThe mass of a particular substance that can combine with or displace one gram of hydrogen or eight grams of oxygen, used in expressing combining powers, especially of elements.
Send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps.
evenlyUsed to indicate a number that is divisible by two without a remainder.
The jackpot will be split evenly among the holders of the three tickets.
featurelessLacking distinguishing characteristics or features.
A featureless landscape of snow and ice.
habitualDone constantly or as a habit.
A habitual late sleeper.
identicalDerived from a single egg or ovum.
This is the identical room we stayed in before.
insipidLacking taste or flavor or tang.
Many artists continued to churn out insipid shallow works.
His inveterate hostility to what he considered to be the reactionary powers.
lacklusterLacking luster or shine.
A dull lackluster life.
likeIn the manner of.
A church interior the like of which he had never seen before.
mundaneFound in the ordinary course of events- Anita Diamant.
Not a fairy palace yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind.
nondescriptA nondescript person or thing.
The nondescripts were straight out of the nine to five banking bureaucracy.
normalConforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm not abnormal.
Normal diplomatic relations.
ordinaryNot interesting or exceptional; commonplace.
He sets out to depict ordinary people.
quotidianFound in the ordinary course of events- Anita Diamant.
There s nothing quite like a real train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute.
regularA regular patron.
His regular calls on his customers.
routineOrganize according to a routine.
It was a routine day.
sameSimilarly in the same way.
Curtains the same color as the walls.
similarityA similar feature or aspect.
The similarity of symptoms makes them hard to diagnose.
tantamountBeing essentially equal to something.
The resignations were tantamount to an admission of guilt.
uniformlyIn a way that is the same in all cases and at all times.
The rules are applied uniformly.
vapidOffering nothing that is stimulating or challenging; bland.
A vapid conversation.
workdayA day on which work is done.
Saturdays were workdays for him.

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