Need another word that means the same as “as soon as”? Find 30 related words for “as soon as” in this overview.
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Associations of "As soon as" (30 Words)
alike | In a like manner. Parents and teachers alike demanded reforms. |
applicable | Relevant or appropriate. Gave applicable examples to support her argument. |
comparable | Conforming in every respect. Nobody is comparable with this athlete. |
contemporary | Belonging to the present time. The composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart. |
equalize | Make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching. The purpose is to equalize the workload among tutors. |
equally | To the same degree (often followed by `as. They were equally beautiful. |
equate | Consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another. Customers equate their name with quality. |
equivalent | Equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc. The French equivalent of the Bank of England. |
evenhanded | Without partiality. Evenhanded justice. |
fair | Without favoring one party in a fair evenhanded manner. World fair. |
identical | (of twins) developed from a single fertilized ovum, and therefore of the same sex and usually very similar in appearance. Rows of identical houses. |
indistinguishable | Not able to be identified as different or distinct. They wore indistinguishable hats. |
just | Of an opinion or appraisal well founded justifiable. I just can t take it anymore. |
like | Used in speech as a meaningless filler or to signify the speaker’s uncertainty about an expression just used. As like as two peas in a pod. |
liken | Consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous. Racism is likened to a contagious disease. |
literal | (of a translation) representing the exact words of the original text. His interpretation was rather too literal. |
meanwhile | At the same time but in another place. Meanwhile the socialists are running the government. |
now | In the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events. They should be back by now. |
possible | The highest possible score especially in a shooting competition. The shortest possible route. |
recent | Approximately the last 10,000 years. His recent trip to Africa. |
recently | At a recent time; not long ago. I recently bought a CD player. |
same | Similarly in the same way. They all wore the same clothes. |
shortly | At a short distance. To put it shortly. |
similar | Resembling or similar having the same or some of the same characteristics often used in combination. They wore similar coats. |
simultaneous | Occurring, operating, or done at the same time. A simultaneous withdrawal of troops. |
synchronize | Occur at the same time or rate. The clocks synchronize. |
tantamount | Equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as. His statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt. |
thereafter | After that time. It was agreed that the meeting be held annually thereafter. |
uniformly | In a way that is the same in all cases and at all times. Water can be applied uniformly to crops using precision irrigation. |
while | At the same time meanwhile. We chatted for a while. |