Need another word that means the same as “at least”? Find 30 related words for “at least” in this overview.
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Associations of "At least" (30 Words)
about | (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct. Wandering about with no place to go. |
bit | The cutting part of a drill usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press. You could see everything All her bits. |
few | The minority of people; the elect. It was designed for the discriminating few. |
fractional | Relating to or denoting the separation of a mixture into fractions. A fractional share of the vote. |
half | Half a pint of beer or a similar drink. Divide the cake in half. |
handful | A quantity that fills the hand. Only a handful of responses were received. |
inconsiderable | Too small or unimportant to merit attention. A not inconsiderable amount of money. |
iota | The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (Ι, ι), transliterated as ‘i’. Nothing she said seemed to make an iota of difference. |
less | Comparative of little. Of less importance. |
little | Used in names of animals and plants that are smaller than related kinds e g little grebe. Little a. |
marginal | Just barely adequate or within a lower limit. Water lilies and marginal aquatics. |
mini | Denoting a miniature version of something. A mini dress. |
minimum | The least or smallest amount or quantity possible, attainable, or required. This can be done with the minimum amount of effort. |
nearly | Closely. In the absence of anyone more nearly related I was designated next of kin. |
negligible | Not worth considering. He said that the risks were negligible. |
part | The part played by a person in bringing about a result. She can t bear to be parted from her daughter again. |
partially | Only in part; to a limited extent. He was partially paralyzed. |
poky | (of a room or building) uncomfortably small and cramped. Five of us shared the poky little room. |
portion | A part of something divided between two or more people; a share. A portion of the jetty still stands. |
scintilla | A sparkling glittering particle. A scintilla of doubt. |
scrap | Discard or remove from service a redundant old or inoperative vehicle vessel or machine especially so as to convert it to scrap metal. She was wearing a short black skirt and a tiny scrap of a top. |
segment | Divide into segments. Hammond and the others were filming a segment for his programme. |
semi | A semi trailer. She pulled into the path of a semi. |
slight | Insult (someone) by treating or speaking of them without proper respect or attention. A Council determined whether the Fort should be kept or slighted. |
slightly | To a small degree; not considerably. A slightly built girl. |
small | Into small pieces. The captain had been paying small attention. |
smattering | A small number or amount. Edward had only a smattering of Welsh. |
some | To some extent quite a lot. Have some milk. |
somewhat | To a moderately sufficient extent or degree. Matters have improved somewhat since then. |
wee | Eliminate urine. When I was just a wee bairn. |