Need another word that means the same as “at risk”? Find 30 related words for “at risk” in this overview.
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Associations of "At risk" (30 Words)
avalanche | Engulf or carry off by an avalanche. An avalanche of mud. |
averse | (usually followed by `to’) strongly opposed. Averse to taking risks. |
danger | A dangerous place. He moved out of danger. |
dangerous | Able or likely to cause harm or injury. A dangerous criminal. |
dare | Defy or challenge (someone) to do something. She dares to dress differently from the others. |
dicey | Unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Democracy is a dicey business. |
flammability | The quality of being easily ignited and burning rapidly. |
forewarn | Warn in advance or beforehand; give an early warning. I forewarned him of the trouble that would arise if he showed up at his ex wife s house. |
gamble | Bet (a sum of money. We decided to take a gamble and offer him a place on our staff. |
hazardous | Risky; dangerous. Skydiving is a hazardous sport. |
imminence | The state or fact of being about to happen. The populace was largely unaware of the imminence of war. |
insecure | Not safe from attack. A top model who is notoriously insecure about her looks. |
jeopardy | A source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune. The whole peace process is in jeopardy. |
landslide | An overwhelming majority of votes for one party or candidate in an election. They won by a landslide. |
neurotoxin | A poison which acts on the nervous system. |
parlous | Greatly or excessively. The General s position was parlous. |
peril | Put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position. Jonathon perilled his life for love of David. |
perilous | Full of danger or risk. A perilous journey south. |
perilously | In a dangerous manner. Houses perched perilously on craggy outposts. |
pitfall | A covered pit for use as a trap. The pitfalls of buying goods at public auctions. |
precarious | Fraught with danger. A precarious truce. |
radioactivity | The emission of ionizing radiation or particles caused by the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei. An escape of radioactivity. |
radium | The chemical element of atomic number 88, a rare radioactive metal of the alkaline earth series. It was formerly used as a source of radiation for radiotherapy. |
risky | Full of the possibility of danger, failure, or loss. Their risky patter made the guests laugh. |
stunt | Perform a stunt or stunts. The recovery of our industries is stunted by lack of funds. |
threatened | Likely in the near future to become endangered. The spotted owl is a threatened species not yet an endangered one. |
toxicity | The quality of being toxic or poisonous. The toxicity of a drug depends on its dosage. |
unsafe | Lacking in security or safety. Drinking water in some areas may be unsafe. |
venture | Any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome. A joint venture between two aircraft manufacturers. |
volatility | Being easily excited. The children have been exposed to the full force of her volatility. |