Need another word that means the same as “authorship”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “authorship” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Authorship” are: paternity, composition, penning, writing
Authorship as a Noun
Definitions of "Authorship" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “authorship” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The occupation of writing.
- The act of creating written works.
- The state or fact of being the writer of a book, article, or document, or the creator of a work of art.
- The act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing.

Synonyms of "Authorship" as a noun (4 Words)
composition | A compound artificial substance or material. Composition tiles. |
paternity | The kinship relation between an offspring and the father. His enemies made great play of the supposed dubiety of his paternity. |
penning | The act of creating written works. |
writing | Handwriting. Parents want schools to concentrate on reading writing and arithmetic. |

Usage Examples of "Authorship" as a noun
- It was a matter of disputed authorship.
- The single authorship of the book gives it a uniformity of style and a proper balance between chapters.
- The authorship of the theory is disputed.
- A number of paintings have been attributed to him on stylistic grounds, though his authorship is not certain.
- He took to authorship.

Associations of "Authorship" (30 Words)
annotation | A comment or instruction (usually added. Annotation of prescribed texts. |
article | The definite or indefinite article. It may be worth taking articles in a specialized firm. |
author | Be the author of a book or piece of writing. He is the author of several books on the subject. |
autobiography | A biography of yourself. The book is a curious mixture of autobiography and fantasy. |
bestseller | A book that has had a large and rapid sale. Her autobiography is an international bestseller. |
book | The notebook in which a referee writes the names of players who are cautioned for foul play. My sister and I booked to the playground. |
caret | A mark used by an author or editor to indicate where something is to be inserted into a text. |
comment | Make or write a comment on. She s an independent soul he commented. |
contributor | A causal factor in the existence or occurrence of something. Stress is a major contributor to most diseases. |
demotic | Demotic Egyptian script. A demotic idiom. |
descriptive | Describing or classifying in an objective and non-judgemental way. The text contains some good descriptive passages. |
epistle | A book of the New Testament written in the form of a letter from an Apostle. Activists firing off angry epistles. |
essay | An analytic or interpretive literary composition. A misjudged essay in job preservation. |
fiction | A deliberately false or improbable account. The notion of the country being a democracy is a polite fiction. |
journal | Write in a journal or diary. While abroad he had kept a journal. |
leaflet | Distribute leaflets to people or an area. Tourists visiting the area are being leafleted. |
lexicographer | A person who compiles dictionaries. |
literary | Of language associated with literary works or other formal writing having a marked style intended to create a particular emotional effect. The newspaper s literary editor. |
manuscript | Handwritten book or document. Her autobiography remained in manuscript. |
memoir | An account of the author’s personal experiences. A revealing passage from Khrushchev s memoirs. |
nonfiction | Prose writing that is not fictional. |
notation | A note or annotation. Algebraic notation. |
novel | The literary genre represented or exemplified by novels. His bookcases were filled with nothing but novels. |
pamphleteer | Write and issue political or controversial pamphlets. The right to pamphleteer and post bills anonymously is as important today as it was three centuries ago. |
reporting | The news as presented by reporters for newspapers or radio or television. |
text | Send someone a text message. They handed out the printed text of the mayor s speech. |
verse | Speak in or compose verse versify. The second verse. |
write | Write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of a word or part of a word. She writes code faster than anybody else. |
writer | A person who is able to write and has written something. The writer of the letter. |
writing | The activity or skill of writing. Parents want schools to concentrate on reading writing and arithmetic. |