AVOIDABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AVOIDABLE?

Need another word that means the same as “avoidable”? Find 5 synonyms and 30 related words for “avoidable” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Avoidable” are: avertable, avertible, evitable, preventable, stoppable

Avoidable as an Adjective

Definitions of "Avoidable" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “avoidable” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Able to be avoided or prevented.
  • Capable of being avoided or warded off.

Synonyms of "Avoidable" as an adjective (5 Words)

avertableCapable of being avoided or warded off.
avertibleCapable of being avoided or warded off.
evitableAble to be avoided or prevented; avoidable.
Unfortunately complexity isn t always evitable.
preventableAble to be prevented or avoided.
Many of these ailments are preventable.
stoppableCapable of being stopped.
If we pick up our pace he may be stoppable.

Usage Examples of "Avoidable" as an adjective

  • The accident was entirely avoidable.
  • Avoidable costs.

Associations of "Avoidable" (30 Words)

apophasisMentioning something by saying it will not be mentioned.
avertPrevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence.
Avert a strike.
banishExpel from a community or group.
Banish bad thoughts.
bypassAn alternative channel created during a bypass operation.
A manager might bypass formal channels of communication.
circumventAvoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues.
He s circumvented her with some of his stories.
circumventionThe action of overcoming a problem or difficulty, typically in a clever and surreptitious way.
Circumvention of the rules undermines any fairness.
deflectTurn aside and away from an initial or intended course.
The ball deflected off Knight s body.
derail(of a train or tram) accidentally leave the tracks.
The plot is seen by some as an attempt to derail the negotiations.
deterTurn away from by persuasion.
Strategists think not only about how to deter war but about how war might occur.
detourAvoid by taking a detour.
He had made a detour to a cafe.
dodgeA statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery.
Marchers had to dodge missiles thrown by loyalists.
eludeBe incomprehensible to; escape understanding by.
He tried to elude the security men by sneaking through a back door.
escapeEscape potentially unpleasant consequences get away with a forbidden action.
Hard work was his escape from worry.
eschewAvoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of.
He appealed to the crowd to eschew violence.
evade(of an abstract thing) elude (someone.
This man always hesitates and evades.
evasionAn indirect answer; a prevaricating excuse.
Their adroit evasion of almost all questions.
firewallProtect a network or system from unauthorized access with a firewall.
Our security products offer integral firewalling.
forecloseRule out or prevent (a course of action.
The bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage.
forestallAct in advance of; deal with ahead of time.
They will present their resignations to forestall a vote of no confidence.
forfendAvert or prevent (something evil or unpleasant.
The fiend forfend said the grim Earl.
hinderHinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of.
The hinder part of a carcass.
illegalizeDeclare illegal; outlaw.
obviateDo away with.
The presence of roller blinds obviated the need for curtains.
ostracize(in ancient Greece) banish (an unpopular or overly powerful citizen) from a city for five or ten years by popular vote.
Ever since I spoke up my colleagues ostracize me.
parryAn act of parrying something.
Her question met with a polite parry.
precludeKeep from happening or arising; make impossible.
The secret nature of his work precluded official recognition.
shunPersistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.
He shunned fashionable society.
sidestepAvoid (someone or something) by stepping sideways.
We learned how to sidestep up the slope and slide cautiously down.
thwartPrevent (someone) from accomplishing something.
He was thwarted in his desire to punish Uncle Fred.
undiagnosedNot diagnosed or having been subject to diagnosis.
Some patients have diseases that go undiagnosed and therefore untreated.

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