AWOKE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AWOKE?

Need another word that means the same as “awoke”? Find 30 related words for “awoke” in this overview.

Associations of "Awoke" (30 Words)

afternoonIn the afternoon every afternoon.
He spent a quiet afternoon in the park.
awakenMake someone aware of (something) for the first time.
Anna was awakened by the telephone.
bedtimeThe usual time when someone goes to bed.
It was well past her bedtime.
consciousIntentionally conceived.
A conscious policy.
dawnBecome clear or enter one’s consciousness or emotions.
Thursday dawned bright and sunny.
dayThe part of a day when it is light the time between sunrise and sunset.
These days it is not unusual.
daybreakThe time in the morning when daylight first appears; dawn.
She set off at daybreak.
dozeSleep lightly or for a short period of time.
I dozed off for a few seconds.
dreamingA series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep.
insomniaHabitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
lucidShowing or having the ability to think clearly, especially in intervals between periods of confusion or insanity.
Pellucid prose.
midnight12 o’clock at night; the middle of the night.
Young children should not be allowed to stay up until midnight.
mondayThe second day of the week; the first working day.
morningEvery morning.
It was a beautiful sunny morning.
napA soft or fuzzy surface texture.
There wasn t time for a nap.
He watched television every night.
nightmareA terrifying or deeply upsetting dream.
I had nightmares after watching the horror movie.
noonThe middle of the day.
The service starts at twelve noon.
oversleepSleep longer than intended.
We talked until the early hours and consequently I overslept.
rouseCause to be agitated excited or roused.
She roused and looked around.
sleepTypically in the context of anticipating a forthcoming event a night or a night s sleep.
He didn t get enough sleep last night.
sleeplessExperiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness.
Lisa lay sleepless.
slumberBe asleep.
The village street slumbered under the afternoon sun.
sundayUnited States evangelist (1862-1935.
tonightDuring the night of the present day.
Tonight is a night to remember.
wakeBe awake be alert be there.
He needs to wake up to reality.
wakefulEasily disturbed.
A restless wakeful night.
wakenStop sleeping.
They combined to waken a forgotten and futile hope.
wakingThe state of remaining awake.
Worked every moment of my waking hours.
wednesdayThe fourth day of the week; the third working day.

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