BACK AND FORTH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BACK AND FORTH?

Need another word that means the same as “back and forth”? Find 30 related words for “back and forth” in this overview.

Associations of "Back and forth" (30 Words)

anachronismSomething located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred.
It is anachronism to suppose that the official morality of the age was mere window dressing.
backslideDrop to a lower level, as in one’s morals or standards.
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide.
backward(of a fielding position) behind an imaginary line passing through the stumps at the batsman’s end at right angles to the wicket.
Backward square leg.
backwardsIn reverse of the usual direction or order.
Count backwards from twenty to ten.
behindA kick that sends the ball over a behind line or a touch that sends it between the inner posts scoring one point.
She slid inelegantly down a few steps on her behind.
degeneracyMoral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles.
A slide into moral degeneracy.
degenerationPassing from a more complex to a simpler biological form.
Overgrazing has caused serious degeneration of grassland.
discontinuityA break in or lack of continuity.
There is no significant discontinuity between modern and primitive societies.
inverseOpposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or effect.
Inverse logarithms.
laterAt some eventual time in the future.
A later symptom of the disease.
pastA verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past.
The past year.
posteriorRelating to or denoting presentation of a fetus in which the rear or caudal end is nearest the cervix and emerges first at birth.
The posterior part of the gut.
posthumousOccurring or coming into existence after a person’s death.
He was awarded a posthumous Military Cross.
regressCalculate the coefficient or coefficients of regression of a variable against or on another variable.
They would not regress to pre technological tribalism.
regressionA lessening of the severity of a disease or its symptoms.
It is easy to blame unrest on economic regression.
regressiveRelating to or marked by psychological regression.
Regressive aspects of recent local government reform.
relapseA failure to maintain a higher state.
He responded well to treatment but then suffered a relapse.
restorationThe restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France in 1814 following the fall of Napoleon Louis XVIII was recalled from exile by Talleyrand.
Published restorations are dodgy based on single bones.
retraceTrace (something) back to its source or beginning.
He began to retrace his steps to the station car park.
retreatMake a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity.
It becomes so hot that the lizards retreat into the shade.
retroactiveAffecting things past.
Retroactive tax increase.
retrogradeShow retrograde motion.
A retrograde flow.
retrogressionThe process of returning to an earlier state, typically a worse one.
A retrogression to 19th century attitudes.
retrospectLook back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); remember.
In retrospect.
retrospectiveConcerned with or related to the past.
Our survey was retrospective.
returnA returning officer s announcement of an election result.
A return flight.
reversionA property to which someone has the right of reversion.
He was given a promise of the reversion of Boraston s job.
revertReply or respond to someone.
We texted both Farah and Shirish but neither of them reverted.
throwbackA reversion to an earlier ancestral characteristic.
A lot of his work is a throwback to the fifties.
ventralToward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal.
Ventral or pelvic fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped.

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