BANISHED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BANISHED?

Need another word that means the same as “banished”? Find 30 related words for “banished” in this overview.

Associations of "Banished" (30 Words)

abolitionThe action of abolishing a system, practice, or institution.
The abolition of the death penalty.
abolitionismThe doctrine that calls for the abolition of slavery.
abolitionistA reformer who favors abolishing slavery.
The abolitionist movement.
asylumA hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person.
His asylum application was refused.
avoidRefrain from certain foods or beverages.
During Ramadan Muslims avoid tobacco during the day.
coupA sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force.
It was a major coup to get such a prestigious contract.
cutoutA photograph from which the background has been cut away.
defrockDivest of the frock; of church officials.
The Supreme Court found him in contempt of the tribunal and defrocked him as an appeals court judge.
deportBehave in a certain manner.
He was deported to Turkey for his public condemnation of the Shah.
deportationThe expulsion from a country of an undesirable alien.
A deportation order.
deposeRemove from office suddenly and forcefully.
Every affidavit shall state which of the facts deposed to are within the deponent s knowledge.
dischargeGo off or discharge.
Ninety ships were queuing to discharge.
dispossessionThe action of depriving someone of land, property, or other possessions.
Reparation for the victims of land dispossession.
ejectLeave an aircraft rapidly using an ejection seat or capsule.
He put the plane in a nosedive and ejected.
evictExpel from one’s property or force to move out by a legal process.
A single mother and her children have been evicted from their home.
exclusionThe act of forcing out someone or something.
He had a hand in my exclusion from the committee.
exileA person who lives away from their native country, either from choice or compulsion.
The return of political exiles.
expatriateSend (a person or money) abroad.
The poet was then expatriated from France.
expelForce out (something), especially from the body.
She was expelled from school.
extraditeHand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed.
Brazil refused to extradite him to Britain.
ghettoFormerly the restricted quarter of many European cities in which Jews were required to live.
No escape from the ghetto of the typing pool.
imprisonConfine as if in a prison.
The suspects were imprisoned without trial.
internWork as an intern.
The family were interned for the duration of the war as enemy aliens.
ostracizeExclude from a society or group.
Themistocles was indeed out of favour at Athens by the end of the 470s when he was ostracized.
oustRemove and replace.
The word processor has ousted the typewriter.
overthrowA score made because the ball has been overthrown.
The Czar was overthrown.
riddanceThe act of removing or getting rid of something.
The new movement emphasized discipline not riddance or punishment as a method of solving the criminal problem.
routA large evening party or reception.
The retreat degenerated into a rout.
shunExpel from a community or group.
He shunned fashionable society.
usurpTake the place of.
Gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke.

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