BAT AN EYE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BAT AN EYE?

Need another word that means the same as “bat an eye”? Find 30 related words for “bat an eye” in this overview.

Associations of "Bat an eye" (30 Words)

askanceDirected to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy- Elizabeth Bowen.
A waiter looked askance at his jeans.
beholdSee with attention.
Behold Christ.
blinkingInformal intensifiers.
I ll sign off however I blinking well like.
eyelidEither of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye.
gazeA long fixed look.
He fixed his paternal gaze on me.
glanceThrow a glance at take a brief look at.
Fish sporting with quick glance Show to the Sun their wav d coats.
irisOf an aperture typically that of a lens open or close in the manner of an iris or iris diaphragm.
leerA lascivious or unpleasant look.
The men leered at the young women on the beach.
lookLook forward to the probable occurrence of.
A committee is looking at the financing of the BBC.
macroscopicLarge enough to be visible with the naked eye.
observingQuick to notice; showing quick and keen perception.
ocularCombination of lenses at the viewing end of optical instruments.
Ocular trauma.
opticA lens or other optical component in an optical instrument.
An optical illusion.
opticalA pair of glasses.
He pushed his opticals on to the bridge of his nose.
peekA quick or furtive look.
I only peeked I didn t see anything interesting.
perceptualRelating to the ability to interpret or become aware of something through the senses.
A patient with perceptual problems who cannot judge distances.
seeImagine conceive of see in one s mind.
We went to see the Eiffel Tower in the morning.
sensoryOf a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system.
The sensory cortex.
sidelongSituated at or extending to the side- Tennyson.
Sidelong glances.
sightTake aim by looking through the sights of a gun.
Tell me when you sight London Bridge.
sneerA contemptuous or scornful remark.
She sneered her contempt.
spectacleA blunder that makes you look ridiculous used in the phrase make a spectacle of yourself.
The acrobatic feats make a good spectacle.
squintThe act of squinting looking with the eyes partly closed.
The squint bottom edge of the puzzle.
stareFixate one’s eyes.
The obituaries stared out at us.
telescopicRelating to or made with a telescope.
Telescopic observations.
visibleVisible imports or exports.
A visible object.
visionThe images seen on a television screen.
He had a vision of his own death.
visualRelating to seeing or sight.
Visual powers.
watchA person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event.
He told me my telephones were tapped and that I was being watched.
winkAn act of winking.
Barney gave him a knowing wink.

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