Need another word that means the same as “became”? Find 30 related words for “became” in this overview.
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Associations of "Became" (30 Words)
act | Be engaged in an activity often for no particular purpose other than pleasure. In what capacity are you acting. |
be | Be identical or equivalent to. He s a tough customer let him be. |
behave | Behave in a certain manner. Just behave Tom he said. |
behaviour | (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people. Management is a set of techniques and behaviours for getting things done. |
completed | Of a marriage completed by the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony. A completed forward pass. |
comport | Accord or agree with. Articulate students who comported themselves well in interviews. |
compose | Calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet. He composed the First Violin Sonata four years earlier. |
comprise | Form or compose. These few men comprise his entire army. |
conduct | Transmit a form of energy such as heat or electricity by conduction. Many metals conduct heat. |
consider | Take into consideration for exemplifying purposes. The judge considered the offender s youth and was lenient. |
constitute | Give legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law. His failure to act constituted a breach of duty. |
construct | Build or make (something, typically a building, road, or machine. Reconstruct the events of 20 years ago. |
deed | Convey or transfer property or rights by legal deed. Mortgage deeds. |
demeanor | The way a person behaves toward other people. |
do | Doctor s degree in osteopathy. He decided to do her a favour. |
done | Having finished or arrived at completion. Therapy was not the done thing then. |
ethology | The science of animal behaviour. |
institute | Set up or lay the groundwork for. A testator who has instituted his daughter heir. |
make | Make or cause to be or to become. Make laws. |
makeup | An event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event. He missed the test and had to take a makeup. |
organize | Arrange or form into a living being or tissue. Organize lessons in a planned way. |
prepare | Prepare for eating by applying heat. Schools should prepare children for life. |
pretension | The quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth. The town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort. |
priesthood | The body of ordained religious practitioners. There was relief among the Anglican priesthood. |
quorum | The minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid. |
volition | The capability of conscious choice and decision and intention- George Meredith. Without conscious volition she backed into her office. |
volitional | With deliberate intention. Acceptance is a volitional act. |
voluntary | A piece of music performed extempore, especially as a prelude to other music, or composed in a free style. Voluntary contraction of the calf muscles. |
wax | Cover or treat something with wax or a similar substance typically to polish or protect it. I washed and waxed the floor. |
will | Expressing desire consent or willingness. This action was willed and intended. |