BEHAVING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BEHAVING?

Need another word that means the same as “behaving”? Find 30 related words for “behaving” in this overview.

Associations of "Behaving" (30 Words)

actTake action do something.
He acted in Julius Caesar.
actionTake action on deal with.
A man of action.
becomeCome into existence.
She wanted to become a doctor.
comportConduct oneself; behave.
Articulate students who comported themselves well in interviews.
conductTransmit a form of energy such as heat or electricity by conduction.
In the second trial he conducted his own defence.
courteouslyIn a polite manner.
deedConvey or transfer property or rights by legal deed.
She had erred in both deed and manner.
deignDo something that one considers to be below one’s dignity.
She did not deign to answer the maid s question.
demeanorThe way a person behaves toward other people.
dissembleHide under a false appearance.
An honest sincere person with no need to dissemble.
doGet something done.
Hi how are you doing today.
ethologyThe science of animal behaviour.
feignMake believe with the intent to deceive.
She feigned nervousness.
hastyExcessively quick.
A hasty attempt to defuse the situation.
headlongExcessively quick.
Burst headlong through the gate.
hurriedDone in a hurry; rushed.
I ate a hurried breakfast.
ideallyPreferably; in an ideal world.
Her experience makes her ideally suited to the job.
modestlyWith modesty; in a modest manner.
Women are expected to dress modestly.
moralisticNarrowly and conventionally moral.
Modernized fairy tales are often moralistic and cleaned up.
politelyIn a respectful and considerate manner.
He waited politely for me to ask questions.
pretendRepresent fictitiously as in a play or pretend to be or act like.
She pretended a greater surprise than she felt.
pretensionA claim or aspiration to a particular quality.
All that we cannot tolerate is pretension to infallibility.
pretextAn artful or simulated semblance.
The rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move.
pruderyExcessive or affected modesty.
prudishHaving or revealing a tendency to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity; excessively concerned with sexual propriety.
The prudish moral climate of the late 19th century.
rashlyWithout careful consideration of the possible consequences; impetuously.
Rashly Theresa accepts a second date with Tony.
shamSomething that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be.
He shammed a headache.
simulatePretend to have or feel (an emotion.
Future population changes were simulated by computer.
smatterWork with in an amateurish manner.
She smatters Russian.

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