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BELITTLING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BELITTLING?

Need another word that means the same as “belittling”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “belittling” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Belittling” are: denigration, deprecating, deprecative, deprecatory, depreciative, depreciatory, slighting

Belittling as a Noun

Definitions of "Belittling" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “belittling” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The act of belittling.
  • A belittling comment.

Synonyms of "Belittling" as a noun (1 Word)

denigrationThe action of unfairly criticizing someone or something.
I witnessed the denigration of anyone who failed to toe the line.

Belittling as an Adjective

Definitions of "Belittling" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “belittling” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Dismissive of the importance of a person or thing.
  • Tending to diminish or disparage.

Synonyms of "Belittling" as an adjective (6 Words)

deprecatingExpressing disapproval; disapproving.
He sniffed in a deprecating way.
deprecativeGiven to expressing disapproval.
deprecatoryTending to diminish or disparage.
Deprecatory remarks about the book.
depreciativeCausing gradual diminishment in value.
A depreciative effect on the currency.
depreciatoryTending to diminish or disparage.
Depreciatory effects on prices.
slightingBeing of delicate or slender build- Frank Norris.
A slighting remark.

Usage Examples of "Belittling" as an adjective

  • Belittling comments.
  • His cruel, belittling remarks.

Associations of "Belittling" (30 Words)

abaseCause to feel shame; hurt the pride of.
I watched my colleagues abasing themselves before the board of trustees.
debaseCorrupt debase or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones.
The King was forced to debase the coinage.
decompositionThe analysis of a vector field.
The decomposition of organic waste.
decryExpress strong disapproval of.
They decried human rights abuses.
defamationAn abusive attack on a person’s character or good name.
She sued him for defamation.
defameCharge falsely or with malicious intent.
The journalists have defamed me.
degradationA low or downcast state.
A trail of human misery and degradation.
degradeTreat or regard (someone) with contempt or disrespect.
When exposed to light the materials will degrade.
demeanCause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something.
I had demeaned the profession.
demoteMove (someone) to a lower position or rank, usually as a punishment.
She was demoted because she always speaks up.
denigrateCriticize unfairly; disparage.
Doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country.
deprecationThe act of expressing disapproval (especially of yourself.
deprecatoryExpressing disapproval; disapproving.
Deprecatory remarks about the book.
derogateDeviate from (a set of rules or agreed form of behaviour.
This does not derogate from his duty to act honestly and faithfully.
derogatoryShowing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
Derogatory comments.
disgraceA person or thing regarded as shameful and unacceptable.
If he d gone back it would have brought disgrace on the family.
disparageRegard or represent as being of little worth.
He never missed an opportunity to disparage his competitors.
downgradeA downward gradient on a railway or road.
Downgrades by debt rating agencies outnumber upgrades by five to one.
humiliateCause to feel shame; hurt the pride of.
You ll humiliate me in front of the whole school.
humiliationStrong feelings of embarrassment.
He fought back tears of humiliation.
infamyEvil fame or public reputation.
A date which will live in infamy.
mortifyPractice self-denial of one’s body and appetites.
Mortify the flesh.
opprobriumAn occasion or cause of reproach or disgrace.
The name was a by word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city.
permafrostGround that is permanently frozen.
Hilly terrain underlain by permafrost.
relegateAssign to a class or kind.
She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues.
shameBring shame to.
One mistake brought shame to all his family.
slanderWords falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another.
They were accused of slandering the head of state.
smirchA blot on someone’s character; a flaw.
The window was smirched by heat and smoke.
stultifyDeprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless.
Nobody is legally allowed to stultify himself.
sullyDamage the purity or integrity of.
They were outraged that anyone should sully their good name.

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