Need another word that means the same as “bewildering”? Find 30 related words for “bewildering” in this overview.
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Associations of "Bewildering" (30 Words)
addle | (of an egg) rotten. Being in love must have addled your brain. |
astonish | Affect with wonder. You never fail to astonish me. |
astound | Affect with wonder. Her bluntness astounded him. |
baffle | Totally bewilder or perplex. An unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone. |
befuddle | Make stupid with alcohol. This question befuddled even the teacher. |
bemuse | Cause to be confused emotionally. He was bemused by what was happening. |
confound | Cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations. He was forever confounding managerialism with idealism. |
confuse | Mistake one thing for another. The constant attention of the young man confused her. |
discomfit | Make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed. He was not noticeably discomfited by her tone. |
disconcert | Disturb the composure of; unsettle. The abrupt change of subject disconcerted her. |
disorder | Bring disorder to. They are disordering the political landscape. |
disorient | Cause to be lost or disoriented. I was disoriented by the dark. |
dumbfound | Be a mystery or bewildering to. His efforts dumbfounded some members of the group. |
embarrass | Cause to be embarrassed cause to feel self conscious. He would be embarrassed by estate duty. |
faze | Disturb the composure of. She was not fazed by his show of anger. |
flurry | Cause to feel embarrassment. There was a flurry of chicken feathers. |
fluster | Be flustered behave in a confused manner. There s nothing you can do or say to fluster Bernie. |
jumble | Be all mixed up or jumbled together. A drawer full of letters jumbled together. |
maze | Complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost. The house has a maze and a walled Italian garden. |
mystify | Utterly bewilder or perplex (someone. Lawyers who mystify the legal system so that laymen find it unintelligible. |
obfuscate | Make obscure or unclear. The new rule is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them. |
perplex | Make more complicated. She was perplexed by her husband s moodiness. |
perplexed | Full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment. Perplexed language. |
puzzled | Filled with bewilderment. She looked puzzled and angry with him. |
questioning | Perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know. This situation should prompt questioning. |
sadden | Cause to feel sorrow; make unhappy. I was saddened to see their lack of commitment. |
stupefy | Make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow. The offence of administering drugs to a woman with intent to stupefy her. |
surprise | Cause to be surprised. A surprise attack. |
surprised | Feeling or showing surprise. A surprised expression. |
thwart | A structural crosspiece forming a seat for a rower in a boat. He never did anything to thwart his father. |