Need another word that means the same as “blizzard”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “blizzard” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Blizzard” are: rash, snowstorm, snow blast, snow squall
Blizzard as a Noun
Definitions of "Blizzard" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blizzard” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A severe snowstorm with high winds.
- A storm with widespread snowfall accompanied by strong winds.
- A series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences.
- A large or overwhelming number of things arriving suddenly.

Synonyms of "Blizzard" as a noun (4 Words)
rash | Any red eruption of the skin. A rash of bank robberies. |
snow blast | English writer of novels about moral dilemmas in academe (1905-1980. |
snow squall | Precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals. |
snowstorm | A toy or ornament consisting of a model of a scene in a liquid containing white particles which when shaken mimic a snowstorm. A snowstorm of ash began to fall. |

Usage Examples of "Blizzard" as a noun
- A blizzard of forms.
- A blizzard of lawsuits.

Associations of "Blizzard" (30 Words)
blowing | Processing that involves blowing a gas. |
cloudburst | A heavy rain. |
cyclone | A system of winds rotating inwards to an area of low barometric pressure, with an anticlockwise (northern hemisphere) or clockwise (southern hemisphere) circulation; a depression. |
deluge | The biblical Flood (recorded in Genesis 6–8. A deluge of complaints. |
downpour | A heavy fall of rain. A sudden downpour had filled the gutters and drains. |
gale | An outburst of laughter. Gale force winds battered the North Sea coast. |
gust | Of the wind blow in gusts. The tree was bent almost double by the gust. |
hail | Hail falls. A hail of bullets. |
heavy | A thing such as a vehicle that is large or heavy of its kind. A heavy sleep. |
hurricane | A severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving a 73-136 knots (12 on the Beaufort scale. A powerful hurricane hit the Florida coast. |
icicle | A hanging, tapering piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water. |
lowering | The act of causing to become less. The painting depicts the lowering of the Count s body into his tomb. |
monsoon | Rainy season in southern Asia when the southwestern monsoon blows bringing heavy rains. |
rainfall | Water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere. Low rainfall. |
rainstorm | A storm with heavy rain. |
rainy | (of weather, a period, or an area) having or characterized by considerable rainfall. A rainy afternoon. |
season | Add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to (food. The English cricket season is almost upon us. |
seasonal | Relating to or characteristic of a particular season of the year. Seasonal rainfall. |
sleet | A thin coating of ice formed by sleet or rain freezing on coming into contact with a cold surface. It was sleeting so hard we could barely see. |
snow | Falls of snow. Carbon dioxide snow. |
snowfall | The quantity of snow falling within a given area in a given time. Heavy snowfalls made travel absolutely impossible. |
squall | Blow in a squall. When it squalls a prudent sailor reefs his sails. |
storm | Attack by storm attack suddenly. The disclosure raised a storm of protest. |
thunderstorm | A storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail. |
tornado | A person or thing characterized by violent or devastating action or emotion. Teenagers caught up in a tornado of sexual confusion. |
torrential | (of rain) falling rapidly and in copious quantities. The torrential facility and fecundity characteristic of his style. |
typhoon | A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans. |
weather | Change under the action or influence of the weather. Every day we have weather conditions and yesterday was no exception. |
winter | Especially of a bird spend the winter in a particular place. Birds wintering in the Channel Islands. |
wintry | Devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain. Suffered severe wintry weather. |