Need another word that means the same as “brave”? Find 29 synonyms and 30 related words for “brave” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Brave as a Verb
- Definitions of "Brave" as a verb
- Synonyms of "Brave" as a verb (9 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Brave" as a verb
- Brave as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Brave" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Brave" as an adjective (20 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Brave" as an adjective
- Associations of "Brave" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Brave” are: courageous, audacious, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing, braw, gay, plucky, valiant, valorous, heroic, lionhearted, manful, macho, bold, daring, daredevil, adventurous, brave out, endure, weather, put up with, bear, withstand, suffer, sustain, go through
Brave as a Verb
Definitions of "Brave" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “brave” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Face and withstand with courage.
- Endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.

Synonyms of "Brave" as a verb (9 Words)
bear | Give birth to (a child. She bears the title of Duchess. |
brave out | Face and withstand with courage. |
endure | Face and withstand with courage. The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks. |
go through | Go through in search of something search through someone s belongings in an unauthorized way. |
put up with | Estimate. |
suffer | Undergo or suffer. My conscience would not suffer me to accept any more. |
sustain | Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts. His health will no longer enable him to sustain the heavy burdens of office. |
weather | Change under the action or influence of the weather. His skin was weathered almost black by his long outdoor life. |
withstand | Resist or confront with resistance. The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear. |

Usage Examples of "Brave" as a verb
- These six men braved the rough seas.
- She braved the elements.

Brave as an Adjective
Definitions of "Brave" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “brave” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching.
- Possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching- Herman Melville- Willia.
- Invulnerable to fear or intimidation.
- Fine or splendid in appearance.
- Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.
- Brightly colored and showy.

Synonyms of "Brave" as an adjective (20 Words)
adventurous | Willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises. They wanted more adventurous meals. |
audacious | Showing an impudent lack of respect. An audacious trick to pull. |
bold | Of a kind of typeface having dark, heavy strokes, used especially for emphasis. There is a market for bold movies and bold stars. |
braw | Brightly colored and showy. It was a braw day. |
courageous | Possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching. A frank courageous heart triumphed over pain. |
daredevil | Presumptuously daring. A daredevil skydiver. |
daring | Radically new or original. He rapidly discovered an audience hungry for his daring new works. |
dauntless | Showing fearlessness and determination. Dauntless bravery. |
fearless | Showing a lack of fear. A fearless crusader for animal rights. |
hardy | Capable of enduring difficult conditions; robust. Strawberries are hardy and easy to grow. |
heroic | Very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale. Heroic explorers. |
intrepid | Invulnerable to fear or intimidation. Intrepid pioneers. |
lionhearted | Extraordinarily courageous. A brilliant lionhearted second half comeback. |
macho | Used of men; markedly masculine in appearance or manner. The big macho tough guy. |
manful | Characteristic of a man. A manful attempt to smile. |
plucky | Having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties. The plucky youngster has astounded medical staff. |
unfearing | Invulnerable to fear or intimidation. |
valiant | Possessing or showing courage or determination. She made a valiant effort to hold her anger in check. |
valorous | Showing great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. Valorous deeds on the field of honour. |

Usage Examples of "Brave" as an adjective
- A brave soldier.
- He put up a brave fight before losing.
- Brave banners flying.
- Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring.
- His medals made a brave show.
- She was very brave about the whole thing.
- It was a time to remember the brave.
- Girls decked out in brave new dresses.

Associations of "Brave" (30 Words)
adventurous | Full of excitement. My life couldn t be more adventurous. |
audacity | Aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery. She had the audacity to suggest I d been carrying on with him. |
bold | A bold typeface or letter. Shadow cabinet members listed in bold. |
boldly | With boldness, in a bold manner. You will have our support as long as you fight boldly against corruption. |
boldness | Willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage. They had the boldness to mock a man who had served his country. |
bravely | In a courageous manner. He has been hailed a hero after he bravely tackled a thief at a hotel. |
bravery | Feeling no fear. Perhaps I ll get a medal for bravery. |
coolness | (in reference to colour) the quality of containing pale blue, green, or grey tones. The coolness of this phone was worth the extra money. |
courage | The ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. He fought his illness with great courage. |
courageous | Not deterred by danger or pain; brave. Her courageous human rights work. |
daredevil | A reckless impetuous irresponsible person. A daredevil skydiver. |
daring | (of a person or action) adventurous or audaciously bold. The most daring of contemporary fiction writers. |
daringly | In an original manner. |
gall | A digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder aids in the digestion of fats. The bank had the gall to demand a fee. |
gallant | A man who is charmingly attentive to women. Mowbray was gallanting the Polish lady. |
gallantry | Polite attentiveness to women. No young man offers to carry this burden for her such gallantry is out of fashion. |
gutsy | Having or showing courage, determination, and spirit. A gutsy red wine. |
hardy | Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships. Camels are tough and hardy creatures. |
hero | A person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Jumpsuits are hands down our hottest hero piece right now. |
heroic | A verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter. Heroic undertakings. |
intrepid | Invulnerable to fear or intimidation. Our intrepid reporter. |
plucky | Marked by courage and determination in the face of difficulties or danger; robust and uninhibited. The plucky youngster has astounded medical staff. |
robust | (of a system, organization, etc.) able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions. A robust perennial. |
shameless | (of a person or their conduct) characterized by or showing a lack of shame; barefaced or brazen. A shameless imposter. |
stalwart | Used especially of persons. The stalwarts of the Labour Party. |
stouthearted | Used especially of persons. A stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army. |
valiant | Having or showing valor. A valiant attempt to prevent the hijack. |
valor | The qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle. He received a medal for valor. |
valorous | Showing great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. Valorous deeds on the field of honour. |
venturous | Willing to take risks or embark on difficult or unusual courses of action. Five venturous young men. |