BRING ABOUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BRING ABOUT?

Need another word that means the same as “bring about”? Find 30 related words for “bring about” in this overview.

Associations of "Bring about" (30 Words)

almostSlightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but.
We re almost finished.
approximateEstimate or calculate (a quantity) fairly accurately.
The approximate time of death.
approximatelyImprecise but fairly close to correct.
Lasted approximately an hour.
approximationA value or quantity that is nearly but not exactly correct.
These figures are only approximations.
aroundAll around or on all sides.
Dirty clothes lying around or about.
assumedAdopted in order to deceive.
The assumed rate of return.
broadlyWithout regard to specific details or exceptions.
Broadly speaking the risks are as follows.
bullockCastrated bull.
People have dropped dead bullocking their guts out.
closelyWith little or no space or time in between.
The real world injuries closely mirrored the university s experimental data.
closenessThe quality of being close and poorly ventilated.
The translator s closeness to the original time period.
environExtend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle.
The stone circle was environed by an expanse of peat soil.
equidistantAt equal distances.
The line joins together all points which are equidistant from the two axes.
fewThe RAF pilots who took part in the Battle of Britain.
It was designed for the discriminating few.
fractionalRelating to or expressed as a fraction, especially a fraction less than one.
There was a fractional hesitation before he said yes.
halfHalf a pint of beer or a similar drink.
Spending was reduced by half.
incompleteNot having all the necessary or appropriate parts.
An incomplete account of his life.
leastUsed in names of very small animals and plants e g least shrew.
The garter snake is the least dangerous snake.
nearAt or to a short distance away nearby.
Near beer.
nearbyClose by.
Concentrated his study on the nearby planet Venus.
He nearly fainted.
partiallyOnly in part; to a limited extent.
The work partially fulfills the function of a historical memoir.
practicallyVirtually; almost.
He might win pointed out Emmeline practically.
proximateNearly accurate approximate.
The fact that a storm may show up the poor condition of a flat roof does not signify that storm was the proximate cause of damage to it.
ratherTo some (great or small) extent.
It was rather cold.
roughlyWith roughness or violence rough is an informal variant for roughly.
The man picked me up roughly.
severalDistinct and individual.
Several people were injured in the accident.
someTo some extent quite a lot.
Some forty people came.
thereaboutNear that place.
He stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks.
unchallenged(especially of a person in power) not opposed or defeated.
The report s findings did not go unchallenged.
virtuallySlightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but.
Virtually all the parties signed the contract.

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