Need another word that means the same as “bring out”? Find 30 related words for “bring out” in this overview.
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Associations of "Bring out" (30 Words)
abidance | Acting according to certain accepted standards. |
aboveground | On or above the surface of the ground. Aboveground nuclear testing. |
absentee | One that is absent or not in residence. Absentee pupils. |
absenteeism | Habitual absence from work. High levels of absenteeism caused by low job motivation. |
accordingly | In accordance with. We have to discover what his plans are and act accordingly. |
addressee | The person to whom something is addressed. The need to state clearly the addressees of reports. |
away | An away match or win. The away side scored first. |
barring | The act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto. |
besides | Used to introduce an additional idea or explanation. I m capable of doing the work and a lot more besides. |
bullock | Work long and hard. People have dropped dead bullocking their guts out. |
by | So as to go past. He let only a moment go by. |
cart | Convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle. They were carted off to the nearest police station. |
drag | A hunt using a drag lure. Taxation is a drag on the economy. |
except | Take exception to. Five classes of advertisement are excepted from control. |
exclude | Remove from consideration. This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country. |
exhale | Give out (breath or an odor. She sat back and exhaled deeply. |
get | Take vengeance on or get even. Her childish behavior really get to me. |
haul | The act of drawing or hauling something. They escaped with a haul of antiques. |
home | At or to or in the direction of one s home or family. He grew up in a good Christian home. |
instead | On the contrary. Used English terms instead of Latin ones. |
leave | Leave behind unintentionally. 19 minus 8 leaves 11. |
Email. You ve got mail. | |
mailing | The transmission of a letter. The candidate sent out three large mailings. |
omit | Fail or neglect to do. He was omitted from the second Test. |
recipient | The semantic role of the animate entity that is passively involved in the happening denoted by the verb in the clause. The recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. |
redefine | Give a new or different definition of (a word. She redefined his duties. |
residence | The official house or establishment of an important person (as a sovereign or president. She took up residence in Paris. |
respire | Recover hope, courage, or strength after a time of difficulty. A country where fresh air seems impossible to respire. |
sender | A person who sends or transmits a message, letter, email, etc. Return to sender. |
tumbrel | A farm dumpcart for carrying dung; carts of this type were used to carry prisoners to the guillotine during the French Revolution. |