BUILT UP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BUILT UP?

Need another word that means the same as “built up”? Find 30 related words for “built up” in this overview.

Associations of "Built up" (30 Words)

ascend(of a voice or sound) rise in pitch.
The boat ascended the Delaware.
ascendingIncreasing in size or importance.
The ascending staircase.
ascentA climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.
The ascent grew steeper.
boostGive a boost to be beneficial to.
A boost in exports.
climbAn ascent especially of a mountain or hill by climbing.
How old will these graduates be before they begin a long climb out of debt.
climbingThe sport or activity of climbing mountains or cliffs.
Climbing equipment.
elevate(of a priest) hold up (a consecrated host or chalice) for adoration.
The therapy can elevate serum amylase levels.
elevatorThe airfoil on the tailplane of an aircraft that makes it ascend or descend.
In the elevator she pressed the button for the lobby.
escalatorA clause in a contract that provides for an increase or a decrease in wages or prices or benefits etc. depending on certain conditions (as a change in the cost of living index.
highAt a high price.
They stood on high and observed the countryside.
hoistAn apparatus for lifting or raising something.
An interest rate hoist.
ladderWith reference to tights or stockings develop or cause to develop a ladder.
The first time I put them on one of the stockings laddered.
liftAn act of lifting.
Some actresses have more than one face lift.
mountingThe action of mounting something.
The mounting of rapid fire guns.
precipitateA substance precipitated from a solution.
Excess moisture is precipitated as rain fog mist or dew.
promoteOf an additive act as a promoter of a catalyst.
They were promoted from the Third Division last season.
raiseRaise the level or amount of something.
The alarm was raised when he failed to return home.
riseRise in rank or status.
The Euphrates rises in Turkey.
risenAbove the horizon.
The risen sun.
risingNewly come into prominence.
A rising trend.
soarFly a plane without an engine.
The gulls soared on the summery winds.
soaringOf imposing height; especially standing out above others.
Soaring prices.
stairsA flight of stairs or a flight of steps.
stepladderA short folding ladder with flat steps and a small platform.
underpinSupport, justify, or form the basis for.
The theme of honour underpinning the two books.
uphillAgainst difficulties.
An uphill struggle to gain worldwide recognition.
upstairsThe part of a building above the ground floor.
No one was allowed to see the upstairs.
upwardMoving, pointing, or leading to a higher place, point, or level.
A general upward movement of fish.
verticallyIn a way that involves different levels or stages of a hierarchy or process.
The bacteria are vertically transmitted from mother to offspring.
zoomCause a lens or camera to zoom in or out.
We watched the fly zooming around.

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