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BUSYBODY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BUSYBODY?

Need another word that means the same as “busybody”? Find 13 synonyms and 30 related words for “busybody” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Busybody” are: nosey-parker, nosy-parker, quidnunc, meddler, mischief-maker, troublemaker, gossip, scandalmonger, muckraker, eavesdropper, intruder, ghoul, gawker

Busybody as a Noun

Definitions of "Busybody" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “busybody” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A meddling or prying person.
  • A person who meddles in the affairs of others.

Synonyms of "Busybody" as a noun (13 Words)

eavesdropperA secret listener to private conversations.
gawkerA spectator who stares stupidly without intelligent awareness.
ghoulA person morbidly interested in death or disaster.
gossipA conversation about other people an instance of gossiping.
The divorce caused much gossip.
intruderSomeone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission.
The intruder had pulled out drawers and dumped their contents on the floor.
meddlerAn officious annoying person who interferes with others.
mischief-makerSomeone who deliberately stirs up trouble.
muckrakerOne who spreads real or alleged scandal about another (usually for political advantage.
nosey-parkerA person who meddles in the affairs of others.
nosy-parkerA person who meddles in the affairs of others.
quidnuncAn inquisitive and gossipy person.
scandalmongerA person who stirs up public outrage towards someone or their actions by spreading rumours or malicious gossip.
troublemakerA person who habitually causes difficulty or problems, especially by inciting others to defy those in authority.

Usage Examples of "Busybody" as a noun

  • Others considered him an interfering busybody.

Associations of "Busybody" (30 Words)

ceaseCease is a noun only in the phrase without cease end.
On his retirement the job will cease to exist.
curiousEager to know or learn something.
A curious hybrid accent.
disableInjure permanently.
Disable this command on your computer.
disruptInterfere in someone else’s activity.
Our 3D printing technology is disrupting the traditional manufacturing industry.
disruptiveCausing or tending to cause disruption.
Effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive.
heckleComb with a heckle.
Hemp was heckled and spun into rope yarn.
hinderanceAny obstruction that impedes or is burdensome.
incapacitatePrevent from functioning in a normal way.
He was incapacitated by a heart attack.
interfereOf light or other electromagnetic waveforms interact to produce interference.
A holiday job would interfere with his studies.
interference(American football) blocking a player’s path with your body.
He ran interference for the quarterback.
interferingIntrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.
Interfering busybodies.
interjectSay (something) abruptly, especially as an aside or interruption.
She interjected the odd question here and there.
interposeExercise or advance (a veto or objection.
If I might interpose a personal remark here.
interpositionThe action of interjecting or interposing an action or remark that interrupts.
He owed the preservation of his throne to the miraculous interposition of a stranger who suddenly appeared in his realm.
interruptA signal that temporarily stops the execution of a program so that another procedure can be carried out.
We interrupt the program for the following messages.
interveneBe placed or located between other things or extend between spaces and events.
It s true he intervened.
interventionThe act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.
As her health worsened her daughters considered staging an intervention.
intrudeIntroduce (something) into a situation with disruptive or adverse effect.
They intruded on our dinner party.
intrusiveTending to intrude (especially upon privacy.
An intrusive arm of the sea.
meddleInterfere in something that is not one’s concern.
Don t meddle in my affairs.
meddlesomeIntrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.
Heaven rid him of meddlesome politicians.
meddlingIntrusive in a meddling or offensive manner.
Bureaucratic meddling.
moderatorA Presbyterian minister presiding over an ecclesiastical body.
The debates will each feature one moderator and a panel of three questioners.
nosyOffensively curious or inquisitive.
Stop being so nosy.
obstructionistSomeone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take.
obtrudeThrust oneself in as if by force.
A sound from the reception hall obtruded into his thoughts.
preemptMake a preemptive bid in the game of bridge.
Discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor.
tamperPlay around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly.
Someone tampered with the brakes of my car.
troubleTake the trouble to do something concern oneself.
She s not the first girl who s got herself into trouble.
vexCause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations.
The memory of the conversation still vexed him.

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