CAME: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CAME?

Need another word that means the same as “came”? Find 30 related words for “came” in this overview.

Associations of "Came" (30 Words)

againAnother time; once more.
I never saw any signs but then again maybe I wasn t looking.
alongIn line with a length or direction (often followed by `by’ or `beside.
The horse trotted along at a steady pace.
arriveReach a destination arrive by movement or progress.
We will be in touch with them when the time arrives.
backTravel backward.
The wind had backed to the north west.
backslideDrop to a lower level, as in one’s morals or standards.
There are many things that can cause slimmers to backslide.
getTake vengeance on or get even.
You don t want to get into debt.
hereBeing here now.
Sign here.
immigrateMigrate to a new environment.
An Australian who immigrated to Britain in 1982.
landingA place where people and goods can be landed from a boat.
The landing of men on the moon.
occurExist or be found to be present in a place or under a particular set of conditions.
Sexism occurs in many workplaces.
reachReach a point in time or a certain state or level.
Can he reach.
recoverGet or find back recover the use of.
Neil is still recovering from shock.
recoveryAn object or amount of money recovered.
The brace is used as a recovery stroke to avoid capsize.
recuperateGet over an illness or shock.
Recuperate one s losses.
recurringComing back.
They are haunted by a recurring image of their daughter on the night she died.
reelectElect again.
regainReach (a place, position, or thing) again; get back to.
She regained control of herself.
repayMake repayment for or return something.
Most of his fortune had been spent repaying creditors.
resilienceThe ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.
The often remarkable resilience of so many British institutions.
restitutionGetting something back again.
The ANC had demanded the restitution of land seized from black people.
restorationThe restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in France in 1814 following the fall of Napoleon Louis XVIII was recalled from exile by Talleyrand.
The restoration of capital punishment.
restoreRestore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken.
Restore law and order.
retraceTo go back over again.
I wanted to retrace a particular evolutionary pathway.
retrieval(computer science) the operation of accessing information from the computer’s memory.
Online information retrieval.
retrieveReel or bring in a fishing line.
I was sent to retrieve the balls from his garden.
returnA key pressed on a computer keyboard to simulate a carriage return in a word processing program or to indicate the end of a command or data string.
The tape is ready to despatch to you on return of the documents.
revertGo back to a previous state.
In the event of the building ceasing to become a school ownership would revert to the Church.
staircaseA set of stairs and the rooms leading off it in a large building, especially a school or college.
He descended the broad staircase.
traceDiscover traces of.
Through the binoculars I traced the path I had taken the night before.
trackThe act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track.
Follow the track to the farm.

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