UNIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNIT?

The synonyms and related words of “Unit” are: social unit, unit of measurement, whole, building block, component, part, section, element, constituent, subdivision, portion, segment, module, item, member, ingredient, factor, feature, piece, fragment, division, sector, subsection, branch, arm, wing, compartment, detachment, contingent, outfit, company, squadron, corps, regiment, brigade, platoon, battalion, force, garrison, legion and 39 more.

TWIST: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TWIST?

The synonyms and related words of “Twist” are: rick, sprain, turn, wrench, wrick, bend, deform, flex, distort, twine, squirm, worm, wrestle, wriggle, writhe, curve, wind, convolute, pervert, sophisticate, twist around, crumpled, crushed, buckled, crumple, crush, buckle, mangle, warp, bend out of shape, misshape, contort, screw up, quirk, wring, squeeze, knead, turn round, swivel, swivel round and 92 more.

SYMBOLIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SYMBOLIC?

The synonyms and related words of “Symbolic” are: symbolical, emblematic, emblematical, figurative, representative, illustrative, allegorical, parabolic, allusive, denotative, connotative, suggestive, mnemonic, typical, characteristic, distinctive, symptomatic, logo, signify, represent, zodiac, contingent, technicolor, emblem, symbol, mascot, denotation, representation, sign, portray, embody, signal, implicit, indicate, symbolize, indicant, symbolism, smoothed, bode, express and 6 more.

SPOTLIGHT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SPOTLIGHT?

The synonyms and related words of “Spotlight” are: spot, glare, limelight, public eye, the public eye, the glare of publicity, the limelight, foreground, highlight, play up, focus attention on, point up, call attention to, draw attention to, accentuate, accent, make conspicuous, underline, underscore, give prominence to, throw into relief, turn the spotlight on, bring to the fore, bring home, dazzle, floodlight, illuminate, emphasize, flash, bright, stress, glower, gleam, flare, illumine, filament, beam, shine, splendor, gawk and 7 more.

SIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SIT?

The synonyms and related words of “Sit” are: baby-sit, babysit, seat, sit down, ride, sit around, model, pose, posture, take a seat, seat oneself, settle down, be seated, take a chair, hold, have seats for, have space for, have room for, accommodate, take, be situated, be located, be positioned, be sited, be placed, perch, rest, stand, meet, assemble, convene, be in session, serve on, have a seat on, hold a seat on, be a member of, carry out duties on, work on, wince, squat and 27 more.

SHORTCOMING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SHORTCOMING?

The synonyms and related words of “Shortcoming” are: defect, fault, flaw, imperfection, deficiency, limitation, blemish, failing, drawback, weakness, foible, fallibility, frailty, vice, infirmity, demerit, disadvantage, inadequacy, insufficiency, flawed, ineptitude, defective, insufficient, shortage, gaffe, harm, downside, error, unforced, injury, lapse, lacking, misconceive, imperfect, nitpick, misunderstanding, con, undermanned