TRENDS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRENDS?

The synonyms and related words of “Trends” are: course, style, vogue, tendency, drift, movement, curve, cut, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, veer, proneness, inclination, fad, craze, bearish, fashion, preference, leaning, dysgenic, eclecticism, proclivity, propensity, recent, strategy, whimsy, predispose, latest, penchant, streak, whim, temperament, popularity, predilection, savour, savor, liking, predisposition and 1 more.

TRANSIENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRANSIENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Transient” are: ephemeral, fugacious, passing, short-lived, transitory, transeunt, temporary, short-term, impermanent, brief, short, momentary, illusive, illusory, provisional, fleeting, succinctness, brevity, transitional, pithiness, tentative, terse, transience, conditional, concise, provisory, truncate, succinct, overview, abbreviated, interlude, visionary, mortality, moment, abbreviation, glance, glimpse

SUPPOSEDLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUPPOSEDLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Supposedly” are: purportedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly, reportedly, professedly, ostensibly, to all appearances, to all intents and purposes, outwardly, superficially, nominally, by its own account, by one's own account, presumably, presume, maybe, assumption, conjecture, expectation, supposition, suppose, guess, assume, anticipatory, anticipation, expect, preconception, aspirant, imagine, presumption, predict, premise, presuppose, aspiring, expected, lifespan, guesswork, underestimate, surmise and 4 more.

SUCCUMB: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUCCUMB?

The synonyms and related words of “Succumb” are: buckle under, give in, yield, give way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in, die from, die of, pass away as a result of, be a fatality of, subservient, kneel, submission, slavish, obey, servile, stoop, condescend, concession, submissive, generate, condescension, relinquish, cede, abjure, grant, illness, obedience, subservience, injunction, bowed, resignation, ultimatum, disease, analgesia, crouch

STUDIED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STUDIED?

The synonyms and related words of “Studied” are: deliberate, careful, thoughtful, considered, conscious, calculated, intentional, volitional, designed, mannered, measured, studious, knowing, purposeful, systematically, consistently, systematic, sensitive, organizational, detailed, organized, uniformly, plan, detail, planned, step, deconstruct, musicology, culturally, thorough, methodical, orderly, exhaustive, disorganized, replenishment, intercom, setup, automated, echelon, regimental and 4 more.

STEM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STEM?

The synonyms and related words of “Stem” are: shank, stalk, base, radical, root, root word, theme, stem turn, bow, fore, prow, trunk, stock, cane, shoot, twig, halt, stanch, staunch, have its origins in, arise from, originate from, spring from, derive from, come from, be rooted in, emanate from, issue from, flow from, proceed from, result from, be consequent on, bulrush, bamboo, liana, tree, vine, reed, abscise, plant and 17 more.

SQUEEZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SQUEEZE?

The synonyms and related words of “Squeeze” are: crush, mash, squash, squelch, coerce, force, hale, pressure, wedge, compact, compress, constrict, contract, press, bosom, embrace, hug, extort, gouge, rack, wring, shove, stuff, thrust, nip, pinch, tweet, twinge, twitch, grasp, grip, clutch, flatten, knead, extract, express, crowd, cram, pack, jam and 66 more.

SNEAK: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SNEAK?

The synonyms and related words of “Sneak” are: abstract, cabbage, filch, hook, lift, nobble, pilfer, pinch, purloin, snarf, swipe, slip, creep, mouse, pussyfoot, slink, steal, slide, sidle, edge, move furtively, tiptoe, pad, prowl, bring surreptitiously, take surreptitiously, bring secretly, take secretly, bring illicitly, take illicitly, smuggle, spirit, snatch, take a furtive …, take a stealthy …, take a surreptitious …, get furtively, get stealthily, get surreptitiously, inform and 46 more.