GURU: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GURU?

The synonyms and related words of “Guru” are: spiritual teacher, teacher, tutor, sage, counsellor, mentor, spiritual leader, leader, master, expert, authority, leading light, professional, pundit, pontiff, specialist, disciple, tutelage, schoolmaster, pedagogy, tuition, tutorship, technical, protege, taxonomist, study, spiritual, specialize, historian, economist, university, teach, coach, scholar, specialty, connoisseur, grammarian, school, occupational, semester

GRIMACE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GRIMACE?

The synonyms and related words of “Grimace” are: face, scowl, frown, sneer, pout, moue, wince, make a face, pull a face, glower, lour, tattoo, frostbitten, agony, anguish, pain, torture, dolor, misery, flay, distress, suffering, heaviness, chafe, scratch, toothache, wretchedness, throb, bruise, cramp, agonize, heal, troubled, abrasion, harassment, torment, inflict, woe, affliction, persecute and 1 more.

FRAME: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FRAME?

The synonyms and related words of “Frame” are: frame of reference, inning, skeleton, systema skeletale, framing, underframe, anatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, flesh, form, human body, material body, physique, shape, soma, framework, setting, mount, mounting, surround, fixture, support, stand, structure, substructure, shell, casing, body, bodywork, size, proportions, context, cast, couch, put, redact, compose and 60 more.

FOND: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOND?

The synonyms and related words of “Fond” are: adoring, doting, partial, affectionate, lovesome, tender, keen on, partial to, addicted to, enthusiastic about, passionate about, devoted, loving, caring, warm, kind, attentive, solicitous, unrealistic, naive, foolish, foolishly optimistic, deluded, delusory, absurd, empty, vain, affection, cherish, fondly, attached, romantic, hearty, amity, amatory, dearly, lovingly, cordiality, embrace, enamored and 10 more.

FELLOW: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FELLOW?

The synonyms and related words of “Fellow” are: mate, beau, boyfriend, swain, colleague, confrere, associate, companion, comrade, familiar, buster, dude, blighter, bloke, chap, cuss, fella, feller, gent, lad, man, boy, friend, crony, partner, co-worker, peer, equal, contemporary, brother, counterpart, match, twin, double, subscriber, representative, attender, insider, adherent, life member and 20 more.

FATAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FATAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Fatal” are: black, calamitous, disastrous, fateful, deadly, lethal, mortal, killing, devastating, ruinous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, destructive, grievous, dire, crippling, crushing, injurious, harmful, costly, poison, virulent, detrimental, venom, pernicious, toxicity, toxic, exotoxin, antidote, poisoning, toxin, noxious, harm, prejudicial, poisonous, damaging, pollutant, tragic

EARN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EARN?

The synonyms and related words of “Earn” are: bring in, clear, gain, make, pull in, realise, realize, take in, garner, win, be paid, receive a salary of, take home, take home earnings of, gross, net, make a profit of, realize a profit of, pocket, deserve, merit, warrant, justify, be entitled to, be worthy of, be deserving of, have a right to, attainable, acquire, acquired, obtain, obtainable, procure, get, deserved, earned, have, available, glean, riches and 15 more.

DENIAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DENIAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Denial” are: abnegation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-renunciation, disaffirmation, defence, defense, demurrer, contradiction, counterstatement, refutation, rebuttal, repudiation, disclaimer, retraction, abjuration, refusal, withholding, withdrawal, apophasis, rejection, deny, controvert, imputation, refuse, refute, no, refutable, reject, inadmissible, repudiate, objection, gainsay, disavowal, rebut, nullify, deniable, disavow, impugn, disallow and 3 more.