SWIFT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SWIFT?

The synonyms and related words of “Swift” are: fleet, prompt, rapid, sudden, immediate, instant, instantaneous, ready, punctual, quick, brisk, lively, speedy, fast, high-speed, expeditious, express, breakneck, meteoric, swift as an arrow, like the wind, like lightning, blue-belly, sceloporus occidentalis, western fence lizard, gustavus franklin swift, dean swift, jonathan swift, rushed, speedily, quickly, overhasty, hurried, rapidly, rush, promptly, swiftly, hurriedly, hurry, fastness and 12 more.

SLOPPY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SLOPPY?

The synonyms and related words of “Sloppy” are: baggy, loose-fitting, haphazard, slapdash, slipshod, boggy, marshy, miry, mucky, muddy, quaggy, sloughy, soggy, squashy, swampy, waterlogged, overemotional, careless, lackadaisical, disorganized, unmethodical, unsystematic, untidy, messy, thoughtless, inattentive, heedless, hasty, hurried, loose, not tight, roomy, runny, watery, thin, liquid, mushy, soupy, sentimental, mawkish and 27 more.

SIGNIFY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SIGNIFY?

The synonyms and related words of “Signify” are: intend, mean, stand for, be evidence of, be a sign of, mark, signal, spell, add up to, amount to, denote, be symptomatic of, be a symptom of, reveal, manifest, designate, represent, symbolize, correspond to, be equivalent to, imply, express, indicate, show, communicate, intimate, mean anything, mean something, be of importance, be of consequence, be important, be significant, be of significance, carry weight, be of account, count, matter, be relevant, indicant, symbolic and 20 more.

SIGH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SIGH?

The synonyms and related words of “Sigh” are: suspire, breathe out, exhale, rustle, whisper, murmur, sough, yearn, long, pine, ache, languish, carry a torch, suspiration, breath, breathing out, moan, whoosh, whir, swish, exasperated, groan, angry, growl, shaking, shriek, guttural, snarl, furiously, croak, outraged, tired, indignant, resentful, irate, rancor, infuriated, furious, irritated, fury and 9 more.

SHENANIGANS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SHENANIGANS?

The synonyms and related words of “Shenanigans” are: devilment, devilry, deviltry, mischief, mischief-making, mischievousness, rascality, roguery, roguishness, chicane, chicanery, guile, trickery, wile, deceitfulness, deceit, deception, deviousness, double-dealing, underhandedness, dishonesty, falseness, falsity, fraud, fraudulence, sharp practice, swindling, cheating, craft, artifice, subterfuge, skulduggery, treachery, unfairness, unjustness, perfidy, improbity, naughtiness, badness

SCHOLAR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SCHOLAR?

The synonyms and related words of “Scholar” are: assimilator, learner, bookman, student, academic, intellectual, professor, man of letters, woman of letters, mind, intellect, savant, polymath, highbrow, bluestocking, thinker, sage, pupil, schoolchild, schoolboy, schoolgirl, mathematician, logician, philosopher, statistician, taxonomy, sociologist, historian, sophistry, sophism, economist, academician, sophist, syllogistic, study, physicist, geometer, dialectician, researcher, philosophy and 10 more.

SAVIOR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SAVIOR?

The synonyms and related words of “Savior” are: christ, deliverer, good shepherd, jesus, jesus christ, jesus of nazareth, redeemer, saviour, the nazarene, rescuer, preserver, revere, guardian, preserve, angel, deity, christian, offertory, heaven, idolatrous, archangel, parent, conservancy, worship, religion, christendom, church, god, blessed, christianity, hallowed, archbishop, defend, catholicity, orison, canonize, tutelary, rector, protector