DISAPPOINTMENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISAPPOINTMENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Disappointment” are: letdown, dashing hopes, sadness, regret, dismay, sorrow, failure, anticlimax, grief, heartache, despondency, gloom, angst, loneliness, despair, dejection, woe, melancholy, affliction, miserable, distressed, distraught, grieve, nostalgia, frustration, anguish, mourn, disappoint, lamentable, sad, dejected, bitterness, humiliate, distress, sorry, desperately

CONDESCENDING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONDESCENDING?

The synonyms and related words of “Condescending” are: arch, patronising, patronizing, supercilious, superior, snobbish, snobby, scornful, disdainful, lofty, lordly, haughty, imperious, elitist, brag, patronize, aristocratic, vaunt, pride, arrogant, boastful, bragging, cocksure, braggart, aristocracy, braggadocio, conceit, bluster, blowhard, boast, bombast, gasconade, strut, pontificate, bravado, swagger, arrogance, proud, superciliousness, snob and 2 more.

SOMETIMES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SOMETIMES?

The synonyms and related words of “Sometimes” are: occasionally, now and again, now and then, once in a while, off and on, periodically, sporadically, spasmodically, erratically, irregularly, intermittently, by fits and starts, in fits and starts, fitfully, piecemeal, infrequently, rare, scarce, rarely, seldom, sparse, often, rareness, occasional, hardly, frequently, rarity, oftentimes, scant, barely, sparsely, infrequent, scanty, sporadic, always, anymore, oft, dabble, deficient, frequency and 2 more.

SERIOUSNESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SERIOUSNESS?

The synonyms and related words of “Seriousness” are: earnestness, serious-mindedness, sincerity, distressfulness, solemnity, graveness, gravity, gravitas, soberness, sobriety, sombreness, sternness, grimness, importance, significance, consequence, momentousness, moment, weightiness, weight, severity, severeness, acuteness, extremity, danger, dangerousness, perilousness, wholeheartedness, genuineness, rigor, sincere, moral, commitment, severe, asperity, wholehearted, inelasticity, unbending, rigour, stringent and 17 more.

REBEL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REBEL?

The synonyms and related words of “Rebel” are: greyback, johnny, johnny reb, reb, freedom fighter, insurgent, insurrectionist, maverick, revolutionary, revolutionist, mutineer, agitator, subversive, guerrilla, anarchist, terrorist, mutinying, nonconformist, dissenter, dissident, iconoclast, disruptor, renegade, arise, rise, rise up, revolt, mutiny, riot, rise up in arms, take up arms, mount a rebellion, stage a rebellion, take to the streets, defy the authorities, refuse to obey orders, be insubordinate, defy, disobey, refuse to obey and 36 more.

NARRATIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NARRATIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Narrative” are: narration, story, tale, account, chronicle, history, description, record, portrayal, sketch, portrait, statement, report, rehearsal, recital, rendering, expository, synoptic, describe, explain, recitative, tell, informative, spoken, explanatory, communicative, recapitulate, expatiate, epistolary, interpretation, anecdotal, inform, depict, teller, instructive, speak, expound, define, allude, dialog and 3 more.

MEDIUM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MEDIUM?

The synonyms and related words of “Medium” are: mass medium, culture medium, metier, sensitive, spiritualist, means of communication, means of expression, mode of expression, means, method, way, form, agency, channel, forum, habitat, element, environment, surroundings, milieu, setting, conditions, circumstances, ambience, atmosphere, clairvoyant, mind reader, fortune teller, seer, necromancer, middle way, middle course, middle ground, middle, mean, median, central point, centre, average, norm and 8 more.

PARTICULARLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PARTICULARLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Particularly” are: especially, peculiarly, specially, in particular, very, extremely, exceptionally, singularly, distinctly, unusually, extraordinarily, extra, uncommonly, uniquely, remarkably, strikingly, outstandingly, amazingly, incredibly, awfully, terribly, really, notably, markedly, decidedly, surprisingly, conspicuously, specifically, explicitly, expressly, flagrant, especial, egregious, selected, adapted, special, featured, dispensation, insofar, particular and 14 more.