IMAGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IMAGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Image” are: icon, ikon, picture, effigy, simulacrum, persona, epitome, paradigm, prototype, figure, figure of speech, trope, range, range of a function, double, look-alike, likeness, resemblance, facsimile, photograph, snapshot, photo, reflection, mirror image, conception, impression, idea, concept, perception, notion, living image, replica, lookalike, clone, copy, reproduction, twin, duplicate, counterpart, semblance and 56 more.

ONLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ONLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Only” are: alone, entirely, exclusively, solely, but, just, merely, simply, only if, only when, only just, no more than, not more than, as little as, uniquely, wholly, lone, lonesome, sole, solitary, single, one, one and only, unique, only possible, individual, exclusive, once, mere, oneness, unshared, however, few, nevertheless, purely, devoted, though, individuality, idiosyncratic, indivisible and 3 more.

SEVERE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SEVERE?

The synonyms and related words of “Severe” are: spartan, austere, stark, stern, terrible, wicked, hard, knockout, dangerous, grave, grievous, life-threatening, serious, acute, very bad, critical, dire, drastic, extreme, dreadful, awful, frightful, appalling, sore, fierce, violent, strong, wild, powerful, forceful, intense, excruciating, agonizing, unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, very difficult, demanding, tough, arduous and 97 more.

MULTIPLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MULTIPLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Multiple” are: numerous, many, various, different, diverse, several, sundry, miscellaneous, manifold, multifarious, multitudinous, compound, collective, store, retail store, outlet, retail outlet, reseller, cash and carry, triple, quadruple, sextuple, quartet, double, trinity, ternary, times, three, four, triad, trio, trillion, twice, pirouette, doubled, twofold, six, ten, doubly, billion and 8 more.