CONJUNCTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONJUNCTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Conjunction” are: colligation, conjugation, junction, alignment, co-occurrence, coincidence, concurrence, conjunctive, connective, continuative, coexistence, simultaneity, simultaneousness, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, concomitance, synchronicity, synchrony, noun, prefix, verb, suffix, adverb, adjective, indicative, determiner, append, predicate, suggestive, however, revealing, archaism, declarative, participle, pronoun, utilize, word, inflect, derivative, term and 7 more.

TIMELESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TIMELESS?

The synonyms and related words of “Timeless” are: dateless, lasting, classic, enduring, ageless, permanent, perpetual, perennial, abiding, unfailing, unchanging, changeless, unvarying, unfading, invariable, unending, ceaseless, never dying, undying, deathless, immortal, eternal, everlasting, immutable, indestructible, imperishable, unchanged, unaltered, remain, incessantly, continually, continue, incessant, grinding, forever, endless, unchecked, perpetually, infinite, ever and 8 more.

ROBOT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ROBOT?

The synonyms and related words of “Robot” are: automaton, golem, android, machine, mechanical, automation, synthetic, automatic, cyborg, mechanization, kinematics, automated, industrialization, productivity, machinery, robotic, commercialization, artificial, auto, engineering, simulated, automate, computer, industrial, mobile, calculator, technology, dispenser, imitative, process, inductive

MOLD: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MOLD?

The synonyms and related words of “Mold” are: mould, cast, clay sculpture, modeling, molding, moulding, mildew, stamp, forge, form, shape, work, model, determine, influence, regulate, gypsum, plaster, alabaster, cement, limestone, mud, adobe, calcite, poultice, reshape, briquette, paste, crown, brick, effigy, plastic, sculpt, porphyry, remodel, statue, transform, crystal, calcium, granite and 4 more.

REMORSE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REMORSE?

The synonyms and related words of “Remorse” are: compunction, self-reproach, contrition, deep regret, repentance, penitence, guilt, feelings of guilt, bad conscience, ruefulness, contriteness, sorrow, shame, self-accusation, self-condemnation, penitent, repent, rue, remorseful, repentant, penance, contrite, apologetic, rueful, scruple, regretful, regret, sinner, penitential, confession, forgive, confessor, qualm, atonement, uneasiness, regretfully, sceptic, confess, sin, sorry and 1 more.

TODAY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TODAY?

The synonyms and related words of “Today” are: now, nowadays, this very day, before tomorrow, in these times, in this day and age, just now, right now, currently, this day, the present, the present day, the present time, the here and now, this moment, this time, this period, this age, recently, yesterday, tomorrow, presently, lately, shortly, recent, timing, contemporary, soon, immediately, present, briefly, freshly, current, newly, latest, existing, modern, realized, instantaneously, belated and 5 more.

SUBJECTIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SUBJECTIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Subjective” are: immanent, personal, personalized, individual, internal, emotional, instinctive, intuitive, impressionistic, biased, invidious, discriminatory, prejudiced, unfair, intolerant, unjust, injustice, inequity, partial, unfavorable, wrongly, bias, inequitable, iniquitous, comparison, tortious, jaundiced, inequality, iniquity, unmerited, bigot, unequal, incompleteness, racist, racism, undeserved, discriminate, sexist, gratuitous

ASSUMED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ASSUMED?

The synonyms and related words of “Assumed” are: false, fictitious, fictive, pretended, sham, made-up, feigned, faked, fake, bogus, spurious, counterfeit, pseudo, make-believe, improvised, affected, adopted, about, imitative, guess, supposed, simulate, impersonate, realistically, pretend, estimate, figment, inductive, concoct, affectation, presume, fancied, assume, expect, inauthentic, persona, suppose, putative, feign, approximation