ETERNAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ETERNAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Eternal” are: endless, interminable, aeonian, ageless, eonian, everlasting, perpetual, unceasing, unending, never-ending, undying, immortal, deathless, indestructible, imperishable, immutable, abiding, permanent, enduring, infinite, boundless, timeless, constant, continual, continuous, persistent, sustained, unremitting, relentless, unrelenting, unrelieved, uninterrupted, unbroken, unabating, incessant, ceaseless, changeless, continually, continuously, perpetuity and 11 more.

FROZEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FROZEN?

The synonyms and related words of “Frozen” are: frigid, frosty, glacial, icy, wintry, rooted, stock-still, flash-frozen, quick-frozen, fixed, ice-cold, frosted, arctic, siberian, polar, raw, extreme, chilled, iced, preserved, freezing, very cold, numb with cold, numb, numbed, frozen stiff, gelid, iceberg, refrigeration, ice, saved, rime, sherbet, snow, coldness, frostbitten, snowfall, standoffish, winter, cold and 7 more.

REBIRTH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REBIRTH?

The synonyms and related words of “Rebirth” are: renaissance, renascence, conversion, spiritual rebirth, metempsychosis, reincarnation, revival, resurrection, renewal, resurgence, regeneration, restoration, soul, resuscitation, resuscitated, resurge, revive, phoenix, nirvana, resurrect, resilience, karma, revert, restitution, revitalize, cure, renew, renovation, again, recovery, recover, rejuvenate, resuscitate, conservation, regenerate

ENTERTAINING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ENTERTAINING?

The synonyms and related words of “Entertaining” are: delightful, enjoyable, diverting, amusing, pleasurable, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable, nice, congenial, charming, appealing, beguiling, enchanting, captivating, engaging, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, absorbing, riveting, compelling, humorous, funny, fun, slapstick, repartee, exciting, humor, jocose, humour, motivational, droll, laughable, jocular, joke, witticism, rebus, hilarious, jesting and 9 more.

DRY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DRY?

The synonyms and related words of “Dry” are: juiceless, ironic, ironical, wry, teetotal, parched, dried, withered, shrivelled, wilted, wizened, arid, scorched, baked, burned, dried out, dried up, torrid, hot, sizzling, burning, waterless, empty, thirsty, dehydrated, strenuous, arduous, heavy, tiring, exhausting, unbuttered, plain, bare, simple, basic, fundamental, stark, naked, bald, cold and 69 more.

EXPANSIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXPANSIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Expansive” are: grand, heroic, talkative, extensive, sweeping, rolling, wide-ranging, broad, wide, all-embracing, comprehensive, thorough, inclusive, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, communicative, forthcoming, sociable, friendly, outgoing, unreserved, uninhibited, open, affable, amiable, genial, chatty, conversational, garrulous, loquacious, voluble, effusive, demonstrative, extrovert, extroverted, euphoric, rhapsodize, loquacity, volubility, distensible and 18 more.

FACET: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FACET?

The synonyms and related words of “Facet” are: aspect, surface, face, side, plane, angle, slant, feature, dimension, particular, characteristic, detail, point, ingredient, strand, factor, perspective, polygon, facade, view, triangle, vertex, pentagram, opinion, octagon, hexagonal, pentagon, hexagon, outlook, homocentric, rectangular, square, porch, multifaceted, triangulate, quadrilateral, scope, lattice, jag, aphelion and 4 more.

DISCOURSE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISCOURSE?

The synonyms and related words of “Discourse” are: preaching, sermon, discussion, treatment, conversation, talk, dialogue, communication, conference, debate, consultation, essay, treatise, dissertation, paper, study, critique, monograph, disquisition, tract, interchange, argument, dissertate, hold forth, converse, discuss, talk about, expatiate, pontificate, speak, have a discussion, discuss matters, confer, consult, parley, chat, hassel, forum, disputation, contentiousness and 17 more.

WORSHIP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WORSHIP?

The synonyms and related words of “Worship” are: adoration, reverence, revering, veneration, devotion, praise, thanksgiving, glorification, glory, exaltation, extolment, homage, respect, honour, honouring, esteem, service, church service, religious rite, religious act, prayer, prayer meeting, religious observance, admiration, adulation, idolization, deification, hero-worship, idolise, idolize, revere, venerate, pay homage to, adore, pray to, bow down before, glorify, exalt, extol, idolatry and 18 more.