CITIZEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CITIZEN?

The synonyms and related words of “Citizen” are: subject, national, passport holder, native, inhabitant, resident, townsman, townswoman, householder, local, dweller, populate, disfranchise, habitant, elector, burgher, dwell, commoner, habitat, denizen, nationality, living, census, population, civil, reside, immigrant, abide, inhabit, voter, borough, vote, civilian, plebiscite, referendum, plebeian

FRIGHTENING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FRIGHTENING?

The synonyms and related words of “Frightening” are: terrorisation, terrorization, awful, dire, direful, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, horrendous, horrific, terrible, terrifying, scary, alarming, chilling, appall, formidable, fearfulness, scared, terror, horror, fright, afraid, panic, scare, frighten, terrify, fear, claustrophobia, hideous, petrify, macabre, spooky, frightful, gruesome

ABSOLUTE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ABSOLUTE?

The synonyms and related words of “Absolute” are: infrangible, inviolable, downright, out-and-out, rank, right-down, sheer, complete, total, utter, outright, entire, perfect, pure, decided, definite, certain, positive, unconditional, categorical, unquestionable, undoubted, unequivocal, decisive, conclusive, confirmed, manifest, infallible, unlimited, unrestricted, unrestrained, unbounded, unbound, boundless, infinite, ultimate, supreme, full, sovereign, omnipotent and 42 more.

KINGDOM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for KINGDOM?

The synonyms and related words of “Kingdom” are: realm, land, domain, dominion, country, nation, state, sovereign state, province, territory, sphere, field of influence, sphere of influence, area of power, department, field, arena, zone, orbit, division, category, classification, grouping, group, regency, principality, imperial, emperor, sovereign, prince, dynasty, queen, empire, ruler, crown, royal, monarchy, regal, diadem, vassal and 14 more.

ADAPTABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ADAPTABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Adaptable” are: flexible, adjustable, pliant, compliant, malleable, versatile, resilient, conformable, multiskilled, variable, convertible, alterable, modifiable, changeable, elastic, readjust, ductility, limber, pliable, ductile, plasticity, tractable, waxy, flexibility, responsiveness, susceptible, impressionable, protean, tensile, labile, elasticity, redeemable, adaptability, environment, bouncy, tractability, rubber

AVID: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AVID?

The synonyms and related words of “Avid” are: zealous, devouring, esurient, greedy, keen, eager, enthusiastic, ardent, passionate, devoted, dedicated, fervent, fervid, fanatical, voracious, insatiable, eager for, anxious for, keen for, keen on, avid for, thirsty for, hungry for, ravening for, greedy for, desirous, envious, covetous, jealous, zeal, prehensile, fervor, enthusiasm, passion, fanaticism, eagerly, grasping, jealousy, zealotry, enthusiast and 9 more.

IMPATIENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IMPATIENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Impatient” are: raring, irritated, annoyed, angry, testy, tetchy, snappy, cross, crabby, moody, grumpy, querulous, fretful, peevish, peeved, discontented, displeased, disgruntled, restless, restive, agitated, nervous, anxious, ill at ease, edgy, jumpy, jittery, worked up, keyed up, eager, keen, avid, desirous, yearning, longing, aching, bigoted, intolerant, intolerance, bigot and 23 more.

WALL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WALL?

The synonyms and related words of “Wall” are: bulwark, rampart, paries, barrier, partition, room divider, enclosure, screen, panel, separator, fortification, barricade, parapet, stockade, bailey, breastwork, obstacle, fence, fence in, palisade, surround, enclose, bound, encircle, confine, hem, circumscribe, close, shut, block, seal, impound, shut up, pen, pen in, pen up, hedge in, blockade, pawn, defensive and 18 more.

ICON: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ICON?

The synonyms and related words of “Icon” are: ikon, image, picture, idol, portrait, likeness, representation, symbol, figure, statue, model, celebrity, star, superstar, great, genius, phenomenon, luminary, giant, idolatry, idolater, iconoclastic, pagan, admiration, monotheism, veneration, lover, worship, revere, menu, boyhood, polytheism, atheism, devil, pixel, daguerreotype, iconoclast, iconoclasm, paragon, god and 6 more.