DESPERATELY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DESPERATELY?

The synonyms and related words of “Desperately” are: urgently, in desperation, in despair, despairingly, in anguish, in distress, seriously, gravely, severely, critically, acutely, dangerously, perilously, hazardously, precariously, intensely, eagerly, plead, beseech, despair, lamentation, frustration, cling, sorrow, adhere, beg, appeal, entreat, entreaty, woo, supplicate, suppliant, request, solicit, solicitation, plea, supplicant, keen, implore, petition and 6 more.

PERSONABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERSONABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Personable” are: pleasant, nice, friendly, agreeable, affable, amiable, genial, civil, charming, popular, clubbable, good-natured, engaging, warm, pleasing, appealing, endearing, convivial, congenial, winning, delightful, enchanting, attractive, winsome, fetching, captivating, lovable, adorable, sweet, glamorize, alluring, fascination, visually, stunning, enticing, tempting, attract, entrancing, cute, enthralling and 12 more.

THIEF: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for THIEF?

The synonyms and related words of “Thief” are: stealer, robber, burglar, housebreaker, cat burglar, shoplifter, pickpocket, sneak thief, mugger, larcenist, pilferer, poacher, bandit, larceny, brigand, thievery, rustler, rob, shoplifting, steal, thieve, rapine, theft, robbery, recidivist, transgression, burgle, pillage, outlaw, burglary, vagrancy, unlawful, criminal, filch, piracy, kleptomania, despoil, shoplift, guilty

DICTATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DICTATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Dictate” are: order, prescribe, give orders to, order about, order around, boss, boss about, boss around, impose one's will on, lord it over, bully, domineer, dominate, tyrannize, oppress, ride roughshod over, control, pressurize, browbeat, lay down, impose, set down, set out, say aloud, utter, speak, read out, read aloud, recite, command, decree, edict, rule, ruling, ordinance, dictum, directive, direction, instruction, pronouncement and 42 more.

INVISIBLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INVISIBLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Invisible” are: inconspicuous, unseeable, unnoticeable, undetectable, indistinguishable, indiscernible, unapparent, inappreciable, inaudible, impalpable, unobtrusive, impossible to detect, not visible, concealed, obscure, unseen, hidden, unknown, disappear, hide, unobserved, undetected, secrecy, recondite, stealthy, den, ulterior, vanish, unopened, esoteric, disguised, subtlety, covert, blur, dim, undiscovered, unsung, opaque, indistinct, unappreciated

BLISS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BLISS?

The synonyms and related words of “Bliss” are: blissfulness, cloud nine, seventh heaven, walking on air, joy, pleasure, delight, happiness, gladness, ecstasy, elation, rapture, euphoria, heaven, paradise, utopia, eden, arcadia, blessedness, blessing, benediction, glory, divine happiness, divine rapture, beatitude, saintliness, sainthood, on cloud nine, transported, beside oneself with joy, ravished, enchanted, indescribable, contentment, sheer, glad, inexpressible, enjoyable, ineffable, unutterable and 18 more.

PREFER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PREFER?

The synonyms and related words of “Prefer” are: choose, opt, favor, favour, like better, be more partial to, incline towards, lean towards, think preferable, bring, press, file, lodge, tender, present, place, lay, submit, put forward, proffer, offer, propose, promote, upgrade, advance, raise, move up, elevate, aggrandize, predilection, privilege, pro, favorite, like, prerogative, abstention, perquisite, penchant, option, preference and 15 more.

WHOLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WHOLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Whole” are: unharmed, unhurt, unscathed, solid, unanimous, hale, entire, complete, full, total, intact, in one piece, sound, unbroken, unit, entity, body, piece, ensemble, combination, package, conglomeration, object, the lot, the sum, the sum total, the aggregate, all, altogether, completely, entirely, right, totally, wholly, generic, oneness, inclusive, overall, countrywide, entirety and 15 more.