HERITAGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for HERITAGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Heritage” are: inheritance, birthright, patrimony, tradition, history, background, culture, customs, past, classic, legacy, bequest, testator, customary, bequeath, disinherit, executor, ethnic, heir, traditional, habitual, descendants, cultural, dower, miscegenation, accustomed, preservation, primogeniture, family, posterity, mom, custom, will, conventional, regular, seniority, primeval, renaissance

IMMATURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IMMATURE?

The synonyms and related words of “Immature” are: unfledged, young, green, unripe, unripened, not ripe, not mature, not matured, unmellowed, childish, babyish, infantile, juvenile, puerile, jejune, callow, inexperienced, unsophisticated, unworldly, naive, ingenuous, adolescence, teenage, premature, infancy, vernal, previous, unpracticed, teenager, boyish, childhood, puberty, lad, playmate, childlike, teen, adolescent, youth, early, age and 3 more.

FREQUENCY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FREQUENCY?

The synonyms and related words of “Frequency” are: frequence, oftenness, absolute frequency, relative frequency, rate of occurrence, commonness, prevalence, incidence, amount, sometimes, frequently, often, sporadically, oftentimes, occasionally, modulated, always, amplitude, intermittently, oft, recidivism, proportional, infrequently, occasional, quite, successively, ever, dabble, periodically, rare, frequent, rareness, sparse, recurrent, rarely, wave, rife, regularity

BLIND: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BLIND?

The synonyms and related words of “Blind” are: unsighted, unreasoning, sightless, unseeing, stone blind, eyeless, imperceptive, unperceptive, slow, obtuse, stupid, uncomprehending, unimaginative, insensitive, thick-skinned, bovine, stolid, unintelligent, unmindful of, careless of, heedless of, oblivious to, insensible to, unconcerned about, unconcerned by, inattentive to, indifferent to, uncritical, unreasoned, unthinking, unconsidered, mindless, injudicious, undiscerning, indiscriminate, impetuous, impulsive, rash, hasty, reckless and 99 more.

SURREAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SURREAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Surreal” are: phantasmagoric, phantasmagorical, surrealistic, dreamlike, zany, madcap, offbeat, quirky, outlandish, eccentric, idiosyncratic, ridiculous, nonsensical, crazy, absurd, insane, far out, fantastic, bizarre, peculiar, weird, odd, strange, cranky, freakish, fantasy, hallucinatory, dreamland, imagery, imaginary, imagination, tale, fanciful, visionary, delusion, illusory, daydream, visualize, envisage, dreamer and 14 more.

REBELLION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REBELLION?

The synonyms and related words of “Rebellion” are: insurrection, revolt, rising, uprising, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, insurgency, rioting, riot, defiance, disobedience, rebelliousness, insubordination, mutinousness, subversion, subversiveness, resistance, dissent, nonconformity, disloyalty, instigator, firebrand, protest, ingratitude, uphill, demonstration, treason, rebel, ascent, civil, complain, steeply, improving, overthrow, deed, prosecutor, insurgent, seditious, activism and 2 more.

FRUITION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FRUITION?

The synonyms and related words of “Fruition” are: realisation, realization, fulfilment, actualization, materialization, dream, envision, ideational, slumber, project, oversleep, visualize, snore, illusion, dreaming, materialize, daydream, dreamy, career, doze, delusion, nap, plan, hibernate, ambitious, imaginary, aspiration, nightmare, waking, reverie, hallucination, motivated, sleep, hibernation, illusive

ALMOST: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ALMOST?

The synonyms and related words of “Almost” are: about, most, near, nearly, nigh, virtually, well-nigh, just about, more or less, practically, all but, as good as, next to, close to, not far from, not far off, to all intents and purposes, nearing, equidistant, approximately, few, some, roughly, around, several, every, least, rather, half, more, thereabout, little, proximate, smattering, approximate, partially, less, minimal, handful, fractional and 2 more.

STANCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STANCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Stance” are: position, posture, body position, pose, attitude, bearing, stand, point of view, viewpoint, opinion, way of thinking, outlook, standpoint, angle, perspective, approach, slant, thinking, line, policy, thoughts, ideas, sentiments, feelings, site, place, spot, station, prohibitionist, propaganda, forbidden, faction, block, ban, disinformation, knave, misinformation, mendacity, lieu, plaza and 14 more.

INFER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INFER?

The synonyms and related words of “Infer” are: deduce, deduct, derive, guess, understand, extrapolate, generalise, generalize, reason, work out, conclude, come to the conclusion, draw the inference, conjecture, surmise, theorize, hypothesize, speculation, inference, supposition, speculate, ratiocination, ratiocinate, guesswork, suppose, presume, assume, inductive, assumption, reasoning, hypothesis, anticipatory, assuming, expect, predictive, think, presuppose, presumption, expectancy, putative and 1 more.