SURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SURE?

The synonyms and related words of “Sure” are: certain, indisputable, trusted, positive, convinced, definite, confident, decided, assured, secure, satisfied, easy in one's mind, free from doubt, bound, destined, fated, predestined, very likely, unquestionable, incontestable, irrefutable, incontrovertible, undeniable, indubitable, guaranteed, unfailing, infallible, unerring, inevitable, irrevocable, reliable, dependable, trustworthy, unambiguous, tested, true, foolproof, established, effective, efficacious and 37 more.

CONCERNING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONCERNING?

The synonyms and related words of “Concerning” are: alarming, worrisome, daunting, perturbing, trying, taxing, vexatious, niggling, bothersome, troublesome, unsettling, harassing, harrowing, nerve-racking, disturbing, worrying, distressing, worry, outrageous, incubus, appertain, haunting, pertain, environmental, refer, shock, sensational, shocking, trouble, sorry, vex, afraid, nuisance, affect, vexation, solicitude, inconvenience, bother, annoy, headache and 2 more.

PROBABLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PROBABLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Probably” are: believably, credibly, plausibly, belike, in all likelihood, in all probability, likely, as likely as not, very likely, most likely, as like as not, doubtless, no doubt, all things considered, all things being equal, possibly, perhaps, maybe, presumably, apparently, anyway, chance, whatever, percent, opportunity, probable, probability, potential, possibility, moreover, presumptive, furthermore, presumable, bound, anyhow, really, prospect, expected, potentiality, plausible and 6 more.

BASIS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BASIS?

The synonyms and related words of “Basis” are: base, footing, ground, cornerstone, foundation, fundament, groundwork, origin, cause, root, source, starting point, core, centre, heart, kernel, point of departure, beginning, premise, condition, status, position, support, prop, fundamental, primary, grindstone, basic, hypostasis, rooted, pillar, column, pedestal, concept, basilar, gist, basal, essence, staple, underlying and 8 more.

TANGIBLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TANGIBLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Tangible” are: touchable, real, palpable, tactile, material, physical, substantial, corporeal, solid, concrete, actual, hard, well defined, definite, well documented, clear, clear-cut, distinct, manifest, evident, obvious, striking, indisputable, undoubted, unmistakable, positive, perceptible, verifiable, appreciable, measurable, discernible, intelligible, palpability, substantive, noticeable, tangibility, detectable, apparent, visible, recognizable and 13 more.

GAZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GAZE?

The synonyms and related words of “Gaze” are: stare, look fixedly, look vacantly, look, take a good look, gape, goggle, peer, leer, regard, intent look, eye, petrify, terrify, intently, staring, frighten, appall, scare, terrified, horror, intimidate, unmitigated, yawn, arrant, unadulterated, overawe, fear, utter, terror, daunt, scary, panic, fright, peek, scared, sneer, tincture

OPPOSITION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OPPOSITION?

The synonyms and related words of “Opposition” are: confrontation, enemy, foe, foeman, resistance, opponent, opposite, oppositeness, hostility, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, objection, dissent, criticism, defiance, obstruction, counteraction, opponents, competition, competitors, opposers, rivals, adversaries, antagonists, enemies, conflict, clash, difference, contrast, disparity, antithesis, polarity, factious, incompatible, discordant, inharmonious, dissonant, disagreement, contradictory and 19 more.

RESILIENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESILIENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Resilient” are: bouncy, live, lively, springy, strong, tough, hardy, flexible, pliable, pliant, supple, plastic, elastic, rubbery, bumper, ductility, malleability, elasticity, plasticity, adaptable, distensible, rubber, spirited, distension, malleable, plastically, waxy, limber, flexibility, stretch, ductile, spermaceti, momentum, adjustable, mobility, stretching, stretched

MECHANISM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MECHANISM?

The synonyms and related words of “Mechanism” are: chemical mechanism, mechanics, apparatus, machine, appliance, tool, device, implement, utensil, instrument, contraption, contrivance, gadget, tackle, structure, system, machinery, workings, works, movement, motion, action, gear, gears, wheels, components, motor, engine, power source, procedure, process, operation, method, technique, means, medium, agency, channel, channels, vehicle and 23 more.