STAUNCH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STAUNCH?

The synonyms and related words of “Staunch” are: steadfast, unswerving, stalwart, loyal, faithful, trusty, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, constant, vigorous, stable, firm, redoubtable, resolute, unwavering, unhesitating, unfaltering, robust, strong, well built, well made, solid, substantial, stout, sound, serviceable, halt, stanch, stem, atheist, gentile, infidel, heathen, irreligious, agnostic, freethinker and 12 more.

SPROUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SPROUT?

The synonyms and related words of “Sprout” are: stock, bourgeon, burgeon forth, germinate, pullulate, shoot, spud, put forth shoots, bud, grow, develop, spring up, shoot up, come up, burgeon, appear, mushroom, proliferate, offshoot, scion, sucker, spear, runner, tendril, sprig, cutting, seed, bean, soybean, spore, maize, rice, corn, pollen, chard, ovule, barley, succotash, grain, wheat and 13 more.

SPATIAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SPATIAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Spatial” are: spacial, distribution, dimension, contiguity, interval, proportion, quota, gap, apportionment, share, allocation, dissemination, range, dispersion, percentage, quantity, diffusion, room, equitable, cumulative, gill, part, matrix, building, allotment, space, widening, structure, allocate, earmark, opening

SPASM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SPASM?

The synonyms and related words of “Spasm” are: cramp, muscle spasm, convulsion, contraction, throes, fit, paroxysm, attack, burst, bout, seizure, outburst, outbreak, explosion, access, twitch, jerk, ache, muscular, muscle, upheaval, turmoil, jolt, jump, sudden, displacement, fidget, variable, startle, shift, puissance, hurdle, skip, impact, pain, convalescence, leap, bungee, illness, move and 1 more.

SORCERER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SORCERER?

The synonyms and related words of “Sorcerer” are: magician, necromancer, thaumaturge, thaumaturgist, wizard, witch, black magician, warlock, diviner, occultist, sorceress, enchanter, enchantress, magus, medicine man, medicine woman, shaman, witch doctor, spell, magical, charmed, sorcery, mystic, bewitchment, magic, hypnotist, astrologer, coven, trance, sleight, talisman, seance, alchemist, conjure, crone, witchcraft, captivated, amulet, disbelieve, necromancy and 3 more.

SOAK: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SOAK?

The synonyms and related words of “Soak” are: inebriate, intoxicate, hock, pawn, hit it up, souse, douse, dowse, drench, sop, imbue, fleece, gazump, hook, overcharge, pluck, plume, rob, surcharge, immerse, steep, submerge, submerse, dip, sink, dunk, bathe, wet, rinse, marinate, pickle, ret, wet through, saturate, waterlog, deluge, inundate, drown, swamp, permeate and 37 more.

SNAPSHOT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SNAPSHOT?

The synonyms and related words of “Snapshot” are: shot, snap, photograph, picture, photo, likeness, image, portrait, study, print, slide, transparency, negative, positive, plate, film, bromide, frame, exposure, still, proof, enprint, enlargement, explanation, describe, brief, quick, documentation, glimpse, extempore, improvised, immediate, glance, synoptic, prompt, extemporize, instant, impromptu, skim, exigent and 13 more.

SIEGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SIEGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Siege” are: beleaguering, besieging, military blockade, blockade, beleaguerment, encirclement, fortress, warfare, fort, dungeon, strategic, legionary, warrior, castle, citadel, bastion, soldier, military, stronghold, recapture, garrison, tactic, cantonment, stockade, outpost, imprison, quest, commander, army, sortie, combat, jail, protector, counterattack, prison

SHUFFLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SHUFFLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Shuffle” are: mix, ruffle, scuffle, shamble, drag one's feet, stumble, lumber, scrape, drag, scratch, grind, scuff, mix up, mingle, intermix, make, shuffling, shambling, motley, eclectic, intermingle, potpourri, sundry, pastiche, assorted, variegated, mixed, miscellany, pied, random, heterogeneous, variegate, hobble, blend, piebald, variety, combined, sampling, various, card and 6 more.