ROOKIE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ROOKIE?

The synonyms and related words of “Rookie” are: cub, greenhorn, conscript, novice, starter, beginner, newcomer, entrant, newbie, fledgling, neophyte, freshman, tyro, amateur, laity, layman, learner, prentice, apprentice, unpracticed, sophomore, tutorial, grader, freshen, founder, appetizer, nestling, salad, student, mere, soup, exercising, unprofessional

FACES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FACES?

The synonyms and related words of “Faces” are: grimace, case, font, fount, typeface, aspect, expression, facial expression, look, side, human face, boldness, brass, cheek, nerve, confront, front, face up, present, frown, shrug, wan, sallow, pallid, complexion, pale, freckle, drawn, glower, mien, pallor, aquiline, scowl, eyebrow, glare, nose, sinus, ineluctable, visage, countenance and 9 more.

REUNION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REUNION?

The synonyms and related words of “Reunion” are: reunification, conciliation, social gathering, gathering, social occasion, social event, social function, function, celebration, festivity, jamboree, reception, soirée, social, alumnus, reunite, union, unite, associate, synthesis, ally, confederacy, club, reunify, combination, affiliate, alliance, unify, league, join, collegian, confederation, association, consort, guild, fusion, conjoin, integrated, integrate, consolidation and 4 more.

RESURRECTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESURRECTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Resurrection” are: christ's resurrection, resurrection of christ, raising from the dead, restoration to life, revival, restoration, regeneration, revitalization, renewal, resuscitation, awakening, rejuvenation, stimulation, re-establishment, relaunch, reintroduction, reappearance, rebirth, renaissance, renascence, comeback, elixir, immortality, disbelieve, ascension, paradise, miracle, omniscience, eternity, potion, infinity, resuscitated, sorcery, heaven, supernatural, eternal, longevity, forever, magic, nirvana and 11 more.

EXTINCT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXTINCT?

The synonyms and related words of “Extinct” are: nonextant, out, vanished, lost, dead, defunct, no longer existing, no longer extant, destroyed, exterminated, gone, inactive, old, former, no longer active, subspecies, endangered, disappear, moribund, perish, paleozoic, dormant, taxidermist, die, decease, lizard, lifeless, abortive, unanimated, inoperative, stillborn, deceased, tombstone, finis, ascension, inelastic, inanimate, evaporation, resurrect, vanish and 3 more.

RESTRUCTURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESTRUCTURE?

The synonyms and related words of “Restructure” are: reconstitute, reorganize, change, change around, change the line-up of, shake up, rearrange, interchange, shuffle, regroup, rejig, redistribute, realign, restructuring, complete shift, rebuild, downsize, reorganization, privatize, workforce, reconstruction, enterprise, reconstruct, owned, reshape, remodel, reshuffle, privatization, architecture, recast, reforestation, architect, reinstate, cabinet, construction, shakeup, deregulate, reestablish, building, liberalize and 4 more.

EXPANSE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXPANSE?

The synonyms and related words of “Expanse” are: area, surface area, sweep, stretch, tract, swathe, plain, field, belt, region, size, dimensions, magnitude, measurements, vast, barren, broad, extensively, capacious, spacious, panoramic, expanded, swath, outspread, wide, reach, breadth, opened, big, wingspan, extensive, large, plank, ample, triumvirate, huge, voluminous, oversize, tremendous, massive and 4 more.

REPEL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REPEL?

The synonyms and related words of “Repel” are: drive back, fight off, rebuff, repulse, disgust, gross out, revolt, snub, beat back, drive, force back, push back, drive away, put to flight, thrust back, be impervious to, be impermeable to, keep out, be resistant to, resist, sicken, nauseate, make someone feel sick, turn someone's stomach, be repulsive to, be extremely distasteful to, be repugnant to, make shudder, make someone's flesh creep, make someone's skin crawl, make someone's gorge rise, put off, offend, horrify, refuse, decline, say no to, reject, scorn, turn down and 32 more.

ESCALATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ESCALATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Escalate” are: intensify, step up, increase rapidly, soar, rocket, shoot up, mount, surge, spiral, grow rapidly, rise rapidly, climb, go up, grow, develop, mushroom, increase, be increased, be stepped up, build up, heighten, strengthen, accelerate, be extended, be enlarged, be magnified, be amplified, reinforce, fortify, enhance, deepen, rise, toughen, reinforcement, widening, exacerbate, harden, ossify, intensification, brace and 13 more.