FRAIL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FRAIL?

The synonyms and related words of “Frail” are: delicate, fragile, fallible, imperfect, weak, infirm, weakened, feeble, enfeebled, debilitated, incapacitated, wasted, breakable, flimsy, insubstantial, susceptible, impressionable, malleable, vulnerable, defenceless, impotent, lady, adult female, female, rickety, senescence, decrepit, emaciated, decrepitude, senile, dilapidated, emaciation, weakly, elderly, fading, senescent, aging, dotage, senility, aged and 8 more.

FLESH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FLESH?

The synonyms and related words of “Flesh” are: anatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, form, frame, human body, material body, physique, shape, soma, pulp, muscle, tissue, muscle tissue, meat, brawn, marrow, the body, the human body, human nature, physicality, corporeality, carnality, animality, put on weight, gain weight, get heavier, grow fat, grow fatter, fatten up, get fat, fill out, expand on, elaborate on, add to, build on, add flesh to, put flesh on and 45 more.

FERVENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FERVENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Fervent” are: ardent, fervid, fiery, impassioned, perfervid, torrid, passionate, intense, vehement, sincere, feeling, profound, deep-seated, heartfelt, emotional, animated, spirited, bright, shining, radiant, glimmering, flickering, twinkling, incandescent, candescent, luminous, luminescent, phosphorescent, burning, fever, afire, enthusiastic, passion, heated, stoke, igneous, strenuous, fervor, enthusiasm, eager and 12 more.

FARMER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FARMER?

The synonyms and related words of “Farmer” are: granger, husbandman, sodbuster, fannie farmer, fannie merritt farmer, james leonard farmer, agriculturalist, agronomist, smallholder, grazier, farmhand, countryman, daughter of the soil, son of the soil, reaper, botanist, gardener, cowhand, yeoman, peasant, serf, cultivator, harvest, scythe, rural, rancher, peon, bucolic, dairy, shopkeeper, agrarian, agriculture, rustic, agricultural, laity, crop, husbandry, vassalage, farming, intelligentsia and 3 more.