EGALITARIAN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EGALITARIAN?

The synonyms and related words of “Egalitarian” are: classless, fair, just, equalitarian, democratic, values, society, political, emulation, conservative, confucian, liberal, socialism, caucus, elective, social, presidential, mainstream, democracy, candidacy, fascism, nomination, liberalist, democrat, communism, totalitarianism, heterodox, democratize, republic, president, bioethics, legislator, feudalistic, voter

DODGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DODGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Dodge” are: circumvent, duck, elude, evade, fudge, hedge, parry, put off, sidestep, skirt, dart, bolt, dive, swerve, veer, lunge, jump, leap, spring, avoid, stay away from, steer clear of, escape, run away from, break away from, lose, leave behind, shake, shake off, fend off, keep at arm's length, give someone a wide berth, keep one's distance from, shun, get out of, slide out of, back out of, skirt round, bypass, give something a miss and 40 more.

DOCUMENTED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOCUMENTED?

The synonyms and related words of “Documented” are: attested, authenticated, verifiable, authorized, proven, certified, tested, reliable, registered, dependable, eligible, airmail, qualified, chartered, observable, examiner, duly, indefeasible, entry, credible, subscribe, reasonable, empirical, trained, accuracy, authentic, objectively, scientifically, encyclopedia, medically, clinically

DOCILE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOCILE?

The synonyms and related words of “Docile” are: teachable, gentle, compliant, obedient, pliant, dutiful, willing, passive, submissive, deferential, tame, meek, mild, lamblike, unassertive, unresisting, yielding, cooperative, amenable, accommodating, biddable, persuadable, ductile, manageable, controllable, tractable, malleable, manipulable, like putty in one's hands, doctrinaire, tractability, subservience, subdued, susceptible, subservient, civilize, dominated, bowed, acquiescent, restrained and 6 more.

DISSECT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISSECT?

The synonyms and related words of “Dissect” are: analyse, analyze, break down, take apart, anatomize, cut up, cut open, lay open, dismember, examine, study, inspect, scrutinize, probe, explore, pore over, investigate, sift, delve into, go over with a fine-tooth comb, cadaver, postmortem, cleave, split, dissection, rive, dissatisfy, moiety, corpse, evaluate, autopsy, inquest, anatomy, adhere, deconstruct, parse, collate, piece, partition, break and 7 more.

DISCIPLINED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISCIPLINED?

The synonyms and related words of “Disciplined” are: well mannered, polite, civil, courteous, respectful, deferential, obedient, gentlemanly, chivalrous, gallant, ladylike, genteel, cultivated, gracious, obliging, considerate, thoughtful, urbane, civilized, well spoken, formal, proper, decorous, refined, polished, well brought up, abstemious, approach, dominated, controlled, contained, trained, understatement, ascetic, remotely, austere, restrained, manage, regulate, appertain and 15 more.

DISAPPROVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISAPPROVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Disapprove” are: reject, express a poor opinion of, have a poor opinion of, dislike, be against, object to, find unacceptable, think wrong, take exception to, not believe in, not support, frown on, take a dim view of, look askance at, reproving, full of reproof, refuse, turn down, veto, disallow, set aside, throw out, dismiss, say ‘no’ to, rule against, rule out, disfavor, displeasure, disapproval, condemnation, execration, dissatisfy, unsatisfied, abhorrence, unhappy, repugnant, detestation, loathing, disaffected, antisocial and 14 more.

DEXTERITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEXTERITY?

The synonyms and related words of “Dexterity” are: manual dexterity, sleight, deftness, adeptness, adroitness, agility, nimbleness, handiness, ability, capability, talent, skill, proficiency, accomplishment, expertise, experience, efficiency, effortlessness, slickness, mastery, delicacy, knack, facility, artistry, sleight of hand, craft, finesse, felicity, shrewdness, astuteness, sharpness, acuteness, acumen, acuity, intelligence, tact, ambidextrous, talented, workmanship, craftsmanship and 16 more.

DEPRIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPRIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Deprive” are: divest, strip, impoverish, dispossess, relieve, bereave, oust, overthrow, remove, topple, unseat, depose, dethrone, eject, dispel, confiscate, usurp, disenfranchise, steal, rob, plunder, usurpation, commandeer, rapine, arrogate, buccaneer, pillage, loot, ransack, impound, despoil, birthright, spoliation, thieve, piracy, filch, forfeited, raid, marauder, thief and 2 more.