PSYCHOLOGICAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PSYCHOLOGICAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Psychological” are: mental, emotional, intellectual, inner, cerebral, rational, cognitive, abstract, conceptual, theoretical, in the mind, all in the mind, psychosomatic, irrational, subjective, subconscious, subliminal, unconscious, suspense, thriller, trauma, thrill, genre, maladjustment, indecision, puzzling, telepathy, cathartic, sentiment, mood, sensibility, uncertainty, psychic, doubt, distortion, sentimental, psychologist, parapsychology, amok, psychology and 7 more.

PROPOSITION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PROPOSITION?

The synonyms and related words of “Proposition” are: proffer, suggestion, proposal, theory, hypothesis, thesis, argument, premise, postulation, theorem, concept, idea, statement, scheme, plan, project, programme, manifesto, motion, bid, presentation, submission, recommendation, approach, sexual advance, sexual overture, soliciting, task, job, undertaking, venture, activity, problem, affair, propose sex with, make sexual advances to, make sexual overtures to, make an indecent proposal to, make an improper suggestion to, advice and 24 more.

POUR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for POUR?

The synonyms and related words of “Pour” are: decant, pour out, pelt, rain buckets, rain cats and dogs, stream, pullulate, swarm, teem, flow, run, gush, cascade, course, spout, jet, spurt, flood, surge, spill, rush, well, spew, discharge, gush out, spew out, spurt out, spout out, throng, crowd, rain hard, rain heavily, teem down, pelt down, tip down, beat down, lash down, sheet down, come down in sheets, come down in torrents and 22 more.

POSTULATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for POSTULATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Postulate” are: contend, posit, ask, call for, demand, involve, necessitate, need, require, take, put forward, suggest, advance, hypothesize, take as a hypothesis, propose, assume, presuppose, suppose, presume, predicate, take for granted, theorize, hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presumption, presupposition, notion, guess, hunch, feeling, suspicion and 28 more.

POEM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for POEM?

The synonyms and related words of “Poem” are: verse form, verse, song, rhyme, piece of poetry, verse composition, sonnet, ode, stanza, epigram, prose, poetry, couplet, quatrain, poesy, missive, antiphon, doggerel, epic, minstrel, assonant, poetic, literature, lyric, fiction, rhapsody, cadence, canto, anthology, writer, bard, syllable, aphorism, sentence

PLEASURABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PLEASURABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Pleasurable” are: enjoyable, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, nice, appealing, engaging, satisfying, fine, charming, delightful, pleasantness, gladden, glad, happiness, joyful, agreeable, blessedness, enjoy, rewarding, euphoria, delighted, laughing, rapture, exult, exultant, intriguing, elated, pleased, joy, thrilled, gratify, contentment, pleasure, jubilant, euphoric

PIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PIT?

The synonyms and related words of “Pit” are: hell, infernal region, inferno, perdition, orchestra pit, cavity, pitfall, fossa, endocarp, stone, quarry, stone pit, colliery, hole, ditch, trench, trough, hollow, shaft, mineshaft, excavation, pothole, rut, coal mine, workings, diggings, pockmark, pock, mark, indentation, depression, dent, dint, concavity, dimple, match, oppose, play off, scar, set against and 30 more.

PERMIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERMIT?

The synonyms and related words of “Permit” are: allow, let, tolerate, countenance, authorize, give someone authorization, give someone leave, give someone permission, sanction, grant, grant someone the right, license, empower, enable, entitle, qualify, permission, trachinotus falcatus, licence, authorization, pass, voucher, ticket, warrant, document, certification, permissible, allowable, ratification, approbation, ok, acceptable, approval, admissible, okay, ratify, facilitate, approve, agree, unobjectionable and 5 more.

PARTIALLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PARTIALLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Partially” are: in part, part, partly, to some degree, to some extent, not totally, not wholly, not entirely, not fully, relatively, moderately, up to a point, half, somewhat, in some measure, comparatively, slightly, incompletely, some, intersect, overlap, portion, least, rather, few, fractional, nearly, less, bit, section, little, fairly, incomplete, about, convergent, roadway, roughly, almost, several, preferably and 3 more.